Literally like 3 threads on the front page with 'IG WIPED' in the title
Maybe this was wild a few years back but it just seems like album rollout tease 101 at this point.
It’s not a very unique thing anymore but idk I don’t really mind it just an indication something is coming
nobody needs to invest that amount of interest in a social media page it isn't a reflection of self just as kanye's music doesn't paint the entire picture of his entity some of it is for PR/Marketing services.
I see a lot of people caring about this and like...why?
just screenshot all of your favorite posts from your fave artists if you want a record of em or something
Had to wipe my IG a few months ago to start my new era
this with the drake fedora :
The Dawn is Coming
The Dawn is Coming
You're right, once social media dies it'll be a massive W
You're right, once social media dies it'll be a massive W
? The Dawn is Coming
it really isn't much to think about or get annoyed with
most artists pages aren't that genuine or personal. They only exist for marketing, selling and keep up appearances so yeah starting blank for a new era makes sense for some