Anyone see this? It's pretty f***ing cool. Interscope commissioned 43 artists to reimagine over 50 album covers through the lenses of prolific visual artists. Albums from Kendrick Lamar, Tupac, Dr. Dre, Lana Del Rey, and a lot of others are included in this.
You can find the full list of artists and albums here
I'm trying to compile as many pictures as I can so bear with me lol
Rashid Johnson - good kid MAAD city (Kendrick Lamar)
Stanley Whitney - To Pimp A Butterfly 'King Kunta' (Kendrick Lamar)
Reggie Burrows Hodges - Swimming Pools (Kendrick Lamar)
Burnt Toast - Seeing Sounds (N.E.R.D.)
Cecily Brown - Don’t Smile At Me (Billie Eilish)
Lisa Yuskavage - Happier Than Ever (Billie Eilish)
Damien Hurst - Relapse (Eminem)
Henni Alftan - SOUR (Olivia Rodrigo)
Jenna Gribbon - Born To Die (Lana Del Rey)
Anna Weyant - The Sweet Escape (Gwen Stefani)
Some of these pics are LQ because the full collection isn’t out yet and I’m screenshotting from their app lmao
If I was Em I'd be changing the official relapse art on streaming to the Damien Hurst one ASAP
If I was Em I'd be changing the official relapse art on streaming to the Damien Hurst one ASAP
If you peep Damien Hirsts IG, he did Eminem’s entire catalogue minus infinite lmao
If you peep Damien Hirsts IG, he did Eminem’s entire catalogue minus infinite lmao
Damn these are pretty dope surprised he bothered making one for Revival
This is cool as hell @op no doubt, but we was doing this on KTT in 2014 with just clip art!