Name some stocks or crypto currency that you believe will go up.
I believe it’s the best time to buy Chinese stocks because their prices are low right now and it will go up in the future. I also believe chainlink (crypto) will triple in a year or two.
Name some stocks or crypto currency that you believe will go up.
I believe it’s the best time to buy Chinese stocks because their prices are low right now and it will go up in the future. I also believe chainlink (crypto) will triple in a year or two.
investing in crypto
Most crypto is trash Ex bitcoin isn’t worth it at all alt coins will go up
BTC and LTC the only crypto worth s*** unless you one of them darkwebs dudes who keeps track of meme crypto’s from India and s***
Stay away from stocks rn. Way too risky rn
Wish i woulds invested in stuff while i had the chance i read a book on warren buffet but couldnt understand none of it
Apple has been reliable for years. Just sell before a September event, buy back once it dipped after the event. I made like 50% profit since last summer already lol.