Like pay what u owe, if u don’t u die. Then u die, and the other Niggas a broke ass murderer with 25 to life ahead of him.
u owe me $1500 dollahs and some lasagna!
Im tryin I’ll pay when I can.
imma kill u
wait nooo!
gimme my money and my lasagna!
U ain't know bout the mafia code
Naw ion code computahs I program b****es
criminal organizations try to follow codes of honor, but it doesn’t work because criminals are usually not honorable men.
criminal organizations try to follow codes of honor, but it doesn’t work because criminals are usually not honorable men.
You must be frim the 19th century
Ain't nobody following s*** in New York when I was growing up
if u don't f*** them up word will spread and people will know that you're weak and can be f***ed with. it's a hierarchy and u need to show that you're boss. super simple.
u owe me $1500 dollahs and some lasagna!
Im tryin I’ll pay when I can.
imma kill u
wait nooo!
gimme my money and my lasagna!
i almost went to prison over 1500. it’s really dumb but i get it. a man’s ego is sensitive and when prodded is dangerous. folks just need to forgive and or forget.
haHAA is a twitch emote idiot
i know, only r*dditors use twitch emotes outside of twitch.
i know, only r*dditors use twitch emotes outside of twitch.
Im about to use this foot up your ass
Hey! Where’s my $1500 dollahs?
i need to back to Italy to see my muddah!
That’s why when you know you about to die just get more debt from as many people as you can, most collectors wont kill you if they know you’re worth something to someone.