  • Aug 31, 2023

    Long read fyi & in before “get an android” 😐

    So i’m having issues but can’t pinpoint what the problem is if it’s my phone or email or what. I Need some help/advice/troubleshooting whatever it might be lol.

    So i’ve had breached entries of accounts/apps I have like Twitter, Ticketmaster, Fidelity etc. I always change the passcode instantly when it happens. I have different emails I use for these apps but I mainly use 2. I am unsure if it is a breach of that or my phone.

    Only thing I can think about my phone is months ago I received an email from a family member in my inbox about some pictures. Timing of it didn’t raise a red flag cause it popped up in my inbox and I have gotten pictures in emails before just not all the time. I clicked the link and yeah turned out to be a scam email brought be to a random site. I know that easily could be the issue but not sure how to tell or resolve it. Apparently the family members email I thought it was from had a breach from somebody they knew (it’s a mess)

    This post I made back in July is another issue I have been having but as of now it has stopped.

    Part of me feels like an email or my phone is compromised. Unsure what to do or how to resolve it so any help or info would be great. Apologize for the long ass post I am trying to give as much info as possible.

  • Aug 31, 2023

    Oh also spam texts & calls but I feel like that is “normal” lol

  • Sep 2, 2023
    1 reply

    when one of your accounts gets compromised, are they resetting the password (which you would see emails in your inbox about) or just breaching your password

  • Sep 2, 2023
    1 reply

    and when you say it could be a breach of your phone, do you mean your icloud account?

  • Sep 2, 2023
    2 replies

  • Sep 2, 2023

  • Sep 2, 2023

    Lmao I snorted when it loaded. Pixel gang

  • Sep 5, 2023


  • Sep 5, 2023

    when one of your accounts gets compromised, are they resetting the password (which you would see emails in your inbox about) or just breaching your password

    I get emails/notifications about my account (whatever it is) being logged into. So I instantly change it right away every time.

  • Sep 5, 2023

    and when you say it could be a breach of your phone, do you mean your icloud account?

    I don’t even use it for passcodes or anything it’s mainly all documents from my mac I can pull them up on my phone. I don’t have anything else really attached to it.

  • Sep 5, 2023

    Could this be a possible reason? Using my Apple ID for a 3rd party application?🤔

  • Sep 19, 2023
    1 reply

    Its a bit confusing as to what your issue specifically is, unless im dumb youll have to elaborate op. Is it just your mobile signal?

  • AR15 💯
    Sep 19, 2023

    Put it in rice

  • Sep 20, 2023

    you have a virus, please throw it into the garbage and get a new one immediately

  • Sep 27, 2023

    I want to get the 15 Pro Max but with all the issues i’m hearing about it?

  • Sep 27, 2023

    Its a bit confusing as to what your issue specifically is, unless im dumb youll have to elaborate op. Is it just your mobile signal?

    It still is to an extend but idk if that’s because of the email thing I mentioned in the original post. I still randomly drop cell and data service but recently it hasn’t been as bad as it was. More so just lackluster service than anything but that could just be because of minor things. Like being in s***ty areas and what not.