    Nov 14, 2022


    man what

  • Gojira 🦖
    Nov 14, 2022
    1 reply

    Another source of raping women

    Nov 14, 2022

    this is tragic. truly disgusting. i pray this doesn't happen

  • This can't be legit, WTF

  • Simulacra



  • Gojira 🦖
    Nov 14, 2022

    An article from 2014 detailing how the regime rapes virgin women before executing them

  • Nov 14, 2022
    1 reply

    Why do some posters get on ktt and defend other countries when they are doing s*** wrong this happened with china, russia, and now iran.

    Every regime that opposes the western capitalist countries will be defended by the communists on this site, no matter how many people they kill. Every western news outlet is 'western propaganda', to uphold the notion that capitalism is the root of all evil. When you point this out to them they will start to mumble; "bbb bu but the US has killed so many people in poor countries"(which is something literally nobody is denying), but they will defend or straight up deny communist or other very anti-us countries doing the same thing because it does not fit with their agenda.

  • Gojira 🦖
    Nov 14, 2022

    The Basiji member, who is married with children, spoke soon after his release by the Iranian authorities from detention. He had been held for the "crime" of having set free two Iranian teenagers - a 13-year-old boy and a 15-year-old girl - who had been arrested during the disturbances that have followed the disputed June presidential elections.
    He said he had been a highly regarded member of the force, and had so "impressed my superiors" that, at 18, "I was given the 'honor' to temporarily marry young girls before they were sentenced to death."

    In the Islamic Republic it is illegal to execute a young woman, regardless of her crime, if she is a virgin, he explained. Therefore a "wedding" ceremony is conducted the night before the execution: The young girl is forced to have sexual intercourse with a prison guard - essentially raped by her "husband."

  • Nov 14, 2022
    1 reply

    Thread derailed over semantics

  • negroswan 🌶️
    Nov 14, 2022
    1 reply

    they haven’t ‘officially’ sentenced 15000 people to death but they did vote to do that I think

  • insertcoolnamehere

    @Simulacra truly was one of the worst users here.

    He will not be missed

    Just an all round pest

  • Nov 14, 2022
    1 reply
    Zach LaBeam

    organized religion is evil


    yep, organized religions tend to organize efforts to feed the homeless and clothe them, they also have a tendency to try to help people see the world in a better light

    i wonder what the secular organizations + atheists do all day

  • Nov 14, 2022

    Man I wish more women escaped before those terrorists took over. S*** country I hope they get what's coming to them

    Ayo this Iran? Let me look into this wtf.

  • Gojira 🦖
    Nov 14, 2022

    Justice for Iran (JFI) – 23 September 2013 –Over the past two decades Islamic Republic officials have whitewashed the history of the 1980s regarding the rape of female prisoners prior to their executions. But after years of silence by Islamic Republic officials, an organisation representing the Supreme Leader in Iranian Universities, has finally refuted claims about raping female prisoners prior to their executions. This marks the first time that an official state agency has declared their position with regards to this matter. The aforementioned organisation–whose members are appointed by the Supreme Leader at all universities and operate as his representatives–published a statement on his web site last week stating: “One of the anti-revolutionary claims is that since the execution of virgins is forbidden by the teachings of Islam, virgin girls who have been executed were first subjected to temporary marriage to revolutionary guards and raped so they lost their virginity prior to death. Assuming the reason for execution was Islamic (based on which virgin girls could not be executed), then, likewise according to Islam, a girl cannot be forced into temporary marriage. Therefore, the falsity of this claim is proven.”
    In another section of the response which is widely disseminated through official and semi-official media in Iran, reference has been made to the memoirs of Ayotollah Montazeri, the former successor to Ayotollah Khomeini: “when the subject of executions was discussed, I objected that in prisons women were also being executed. Executing women in Islam is discouraged and virgins cannot be executed. The Imam confirmed by saying ‘tell the official to not execute girl.’ Then some claimed Montazeri has said ‘do not execute girls but perform temporary marriage first and then execute them.’”
    JFI is the first human rights organisation to publicise this section of the memoirs of Ayotollah Montazeri. In its research on torture–sexual and otherwise–of female political prisoners, it found numerous documents and uncontested witnesses with regards to statements by prison officials on the matter of rape prior to execution. Also included in this research were references to Islamic sacred scripture used by prison officials for Islamic judicial justification of this practice.
    The results were published in a book entitled “Crimes with Impunity” and highlighted in a recent documentary film “Final Moments“. Both demonstrate the rape of virgin girls who were executed for their political activities during the 1980s through the means of temporary marriage in at least a few cities during specific periods were part of an organised process and carried out with the knowledge of senior officials. “Crimes with Impunity” also demonstrates that judicial officials during the 1980s were directly responsible for issuing and overseeing execution of female prisoners, all of whom have enjoyed impunity. Not only have authorities of the Islamic Republic failed to conduct any official investigations into the matter, but some of the responsible officials are now in senior positions within the state apparatus. For example, Mostafa Poor Mohammadi was the Chief Revolutionary Prosecutor of Khorasan during the winter of 1982 when the first group of young women were executed–some of whom, repots indicated–were raped. In the current Rohani administration, Mohammadi is the Minister of Justice.
    In another example, Ali Razini, who was the religious judge of Mahshad in the 1980s and isssued all his death sentences during court sessions lasting just minutes without the presence of defense counsel, is now the Deputy Legal Counsel of the Chief of the Judiciary.
    Copies of “Crimes with Impunity” have been sent to the Supreme Leader, President, Chair of the Parliament and numerous Islamic Republic officials. Furthermore, the documentary “Final Moments” has had 86,000 viewings since its release two months ago. The latest statements on behalf of the Supreme Leader suggests the Islamic Republic has reached the conclusion it cannot remain silent about the rape of virgin girls prior to execution.
    JFI highlights the body of evidence and published documents that contradict these official statements. It will continue to raise awareness on this issue until such time that an independent investigation is carried out by international organisations in order to deliver justice.

  • Gojira 🦖
    Nov 14, 2022

    they haven’t ‘officially’ sentenced 15000 people to death but they did vote to do that I think

    A government who has done mass executions before yes

  • Nov 14, 2022
    2 replies

    Every regime that opposes the western capitalist countries will be defended by the communists on this site, no matter how many people they kill. Every western news outlet is 'western propaganda', to uphold the notion that capitalism is the root of all evil. When you point this out to them they will start to mumble; "bbb bu but the US has killed so many people in poor countries"(which is something literally nobody is denying), but they will defend or straight up deny communist or other very anti-us countries doing the same thing because it does not fit with their agenda.

    yep, ive seen this happen plenty of times even off this site

    i remember i had innocently (i swear) raised the question as to why communist regimes had so much death behind them, and i was told "capitalism has killed more people"

    like ok... that didn't have anything to do with what i asked lol

  • AR15 💯
    Nov 14, 2022

    Another source of raping women

    They executed 43 children something needs to be done

  • FKA Tadow

    Thread derailed over semantics

    Not enough legit sources to get back on track

  • Nov 14, 2022

    @Simulacra truly was one of the worst users here.

    He will not be missed

    He said we should hold women more accountable for staying in abusive relationships, I blocked him after that Glad he's out of here

  • Nov 14, 2022
    1 reply

    yep, organized religions tend to organize efforts to feed the homeless and clothe them, they also have a tendency to try to help people see the world in a better light

    i wonder what the secular organizations + atheists do all day

    Is Pious pious, because "God" loves pious?

  • Gojira 🦖
    Nov 14, 2022

    yep, ive seen this happen plenty of times even off this site

    i remember i had innocently (i swear) raised the question as to why communist regimes had so much death behind them, and i was told "capitalism has killed more people"

    like ok... that didn't have anything to do with what i asked lol

    Even in Belgium

  • Nov 14, 2022

    They clipped Jimmy and then this guy came out of nowhere

    Nah, Simulcara was on KTT1. I remember getting into a debate with that avi after he said TPAB has R&B elements

  • Nov 14, 2022
    1 reply
    Zach LaBeam

    Is Pious pious, because "God" loves pious?

    nice red herring, anyways - piety is a perennial attribute of religion rather than ordained, pick up a book big bro

  • Nov 14, 2022
    1 reply

    Why do some posters get on ktt and defend other countries when they are doing s*** wrong this happened with china, russia, and now iran.

    Yall are ed and can’t read. No one defended Iran in here
