Depends bro
There’s some couples that don’t do s*** and just stay home and they’re happy. And there are others that go out every night without fail and they’re happy. All depends on you and your partner
I didn't know couples still went on dates tbh. I thought that was something we do during the whole courtship s***. Once you're together, its just going out with your girl I thought lol. Unless I'm missing the point and you just mean y'all only been out period 30 times or whatever
I didn't know couples still went on dates tbh. I thought that was something we do during the whole courtship s***. Once you're together, its just going out with your girl I thought lol. Unless I'm missing the point and you just mean y'all only been out period 30 times or whatever
Dates are like intentionally planned and having your girl dress up
Dates are good but traveling and experiencing somewhere new and unique together is one of the best ways to strengthen your bond.... but always a stressful way to test your patience with each other lol. If you can travel together without flipping out youre probably good to go for the rest of your lifetime.