This gonna be a disjointed thought but try to follow me.
It's cause we have a super concentrated version of everything now. Like companies, people whatever tries to distill whatever it is that people like so far down it's disposable.
I think this bleeds over into conversations, relationships, food etc. A good example is memes. Memes used to be the occasional joke that was peppered throughout real conversation but now real conversation is peppered throughout the memes.
sincerity scares people bc everything we experience online is so curated, its jarring to certain types of people when they see you're not going to play these bs games with them
I notice this alot with people in my age range (early to mid 20s)
people don't want you to be straightforward
idk if the world is 'post-ironic" but its definitely becoming a lot more willing to clutch pearls over minor inconveniences
couldn’t have said it better myself tbh. we’re around the same age so you definitely get it
i think the fact that society is more self-aware than ever now leads people to be this way. the vast amount of modern content that we consume is very meta and doesn't take itself very seriously
Because we are subscribed to a game that nobody finds meaning in anymore yet its the only way we know how to function
I think making everything a joke is how young people keep their sanity while viewing life through the social media lens. To be genuine is to be vulnerable, and you can't be vulnerable if "you were never serious". It's also a way for people to be d***heads and try to justify it with iT wAs a pRaNk
This gonna be a disjointed thought but try to follow me.
It's cause we have a super concentrated version of everything now. Like companies, people whatever tries to distill whatever it is that people like so far down it's disposable.
I think this bleeds over into conversations, relationships, food etc. A good example is memes. Memes used to be the occasional joke that was peppered throughout real conversation but now real conversation is peppered throughout the memes.
pretty much parody has become life
i think social media & current irony/meme culture has truly displayed how performative we all act on a daily basis like there is nothing left untouched