nah he been on a roll. I personally have nothing but good things to say about Fetti, TPOTIC, Lulu, Alfredo, etc. and all of his other prod credits scattered around.
still one of the best out
Holy F***ING s***, this finally got released
They made this song 8 years ago and ever since people had been checking to see if it ever dropped.... no RiFF RaFF tho
price of tea in china and alfredo are commonly considered aoty material of this year, every time he has a beat on a project its considered one of the best and incredible, hes been a part of the grsielda movement going crazy, lamb over rice was one of bronson's best projects in a min, yacht rock 2 one of his best solo projects. Hes getting more and more legend status idk wym a producer legacy doesnt rely on collab albums even then hes been killing those
Alc has literally been on a run since before most mfs on this site were even born
No other producer with his seniority compares
@thevoyce has admitted itt that this was a gargantuan L, but the point still remains that Alchemist is one of the actual best ever
This thread was an L on the day it was made lol why are people saying it aged poorly?
This thread was an L on the day it was made lol why are people saying it aged poorly?
Even more of an L now tho
Need Lil Baby x Alchemist
Nah, alc is one of my favourites and I wouldn’t listen