I’m not but it sounds liberating. My whole life is ran by women and vagina
You should be arrested
yall love labelling s***
Never heard of this s*** before. And ya'll got a flag too????
Do you "push" yourself to be romantic for her or do you just consider yourself on the spectrum but don't mind holding hands, cuddling, sweet talk etc etc?
My last relationship ended because I couldn't get myself to be "cute" with my gf and she needed a lot of this so I started searching the web and on reddit there was this list of "short stories" that, if you related to them, could point at you being aromantic
I related to like 80% of them...
This interesting. I just wanna know who's deciding these flags
americans are followers
So in your case it's not that much of an distaste towards romantic things and more just not thinking about it and being okay if isn't there?
I try to position myself on the spectrum because in my case, for example, I am the exact opposite of this and I often know the girl expects me to say something or do something but I just feel this blocking force inside me that stops me from making romantic gestures
Although I haven't been with many girls since I started taking it more serious and maybe I just haven't found the one that I'd love to do this stuff with
I think about it, I can picture it, I kinda dream of felling good with someone in romantic situations. But when it comes to actions irl I often have a negative urge