This is valid. D'Angelo prob wouldn't have a near flawless discog if he dropped every year.
Some people do better with 0-2 year release cycles than others, but you also have situations where Nicki took 4 years to drop and she lost her spot bc of it.
People are more accepting of you going on long breaks if you left on a high note (Frank, D'Angelo, Rihanna, Maxwell, Andre 3000).
But I do think the less quality albums you generally drop, the quicker you have to re-up with an equal or better album or else you'll lose your momentum to those who can fill that void quicker.
One person that comes to mind with that last statement is Anderson Paak. Had he left us only with Oxnard, he would be looked at very negatively. But he bounced back with Ventura thankfully.
i read it cool a***ysis
lmao at THOSE 4 albums being the run for kanye
but kanye is kinda the antithesis to this theory. if he wasn't doing shoes he prolly would have still been making 8-10/10 classics and his albums being a little more than decent at worst since is a testament to how he kinda defies that theory
even now if he just had ghostwriters and secular topics, all those leaks and s*** woulda been up to par with everything he was doing and maybe even better. he just personally had a lot of s*** going on which is usually the case for most artists once they're out of their 20's to mid 30's...u been living for 20 or 30 years with the promise of potential and now youre firmly an adult with kids or no kids or w/e and all that s***...creativity and personal s*** are separate but usually personal s*** dictates how the creativity is delivered
andre 3000 could have delivered an album at any time over the past 15 years about fatherhood, getting older, being an older bachelor, rap passing him, etc. but he still gotta live that s*** and dig for those lyrics. s*** may be too much
Well realistically it’s a 7 album run. The original 3 are obvious classics, but the version of Kanye I truly admire started wit 808s and I don’t listen to the original 3 as much. So that’s why I personally said that specific run of 4 albums.
And possibly, but it’s still up in the air. I think more than clothes and shoes, it was the fact that he started focusing more on his family life. Which of course is a very acceptable reason, but it’s hard to raise hypotheticals and what ifs in situations like this. TLOP was the beginning of the downward slope. Such a rough, unfinished, last minute project coming from someone so notoriously detail oriented told me all I needed to know.
But yes, and that’s why I used the 2 extremes. You have mfs who become so terrible that they’re better off retiring like Em, and then you have mfs like Ye who only fall off to the extent that their worst is still decent music, jus no more classics. But damnit every album was sposed to stay being a classic.
This is why after some time artists should try to develop fresh new acts and move to a manager/producer/executive role