  • Nov 12, 2019
    5 replies

    nah jpeg still outchea

  • Nov 12, 2019
    2 replies

    What are the trappings of artistry in your opinion? I’d rather that over the trappings of blatant bait for commercial audiences. Wolf has some misses and Goblin has even more, but the highs are higher than anything drake could dream of accomplishing (aside from certain 40 beats) and i’ll Take 7 great songs and 7 bad songs over 50 bland uninspired songs any day of the week. Drake can’t even be considered an artist at this point

    so in art there's form and content. form is how something appears/sounds and content is what is being communicated. tyler's content is the exact same s*** as drake and their functions the same way in the market. quality aside, igor, for example, is like when you have a regular-ass honda and put a bigass spoiler and fart can on it. it sounds and looks faster but its the same exact honda. Drake's music is just the honda with no extra bells and whistles added to make it seem like its more than it actually is.

  • Nov 12, 2019

    holy s***

  • Nov 12, 2019
    1 reply

    so in art there's form and content. form is how something appears/sounds and content is what is being communicated. tyler's content is the exact same s*** as drake and their functions the same way in the market. quality aside, igor, for example, is like when you have a regular-ass honda and put a bigass spoiler and fart can on it. it sounds and looks faster but its the same exact honda. Drake's music is just the honda with no extra bells and whistles added to make it seem like its more than it actually is.

    You got Tyler f***ed up way different from drake and lot better

  • Nov 12, 2019

    this photo is gonna haunt this man forever

  • Nov 12, 2019
    Hot Dog Water

    nah they gonna come back like a mf once election season over with

    they out canvasing and s***

  • Nov 12, 2019
    1 reply

    You got Tyler f***ed up way different from drake and lot better

    their content is the exact same bro ....

  • Nov 12, 2019

    Nope, it’s hidden underneath all the dust and ancient artifacts.

  • Nov 12, 2019
    1 reply

    so in art there's form and content. form is how something appears/sounds and content is what is being communicated. tyler's content is the exact same s*** as drake and their functions the same way in the market. quality aside, igor, for example, is like when you have a regular-ass honda and put a bigass spoiler and fart can on it. it sounds and looks faster but its the same exact honda. Drake's music is just the honda with no extra bells and whistles added to make it seem like its more than it actually is.

    I disagree, I think if anything the music itself is the car and the content is the extra stuff. But that depends on what you value in music. I don’t need music to have some kind of grand message I just want it to be good. Drake’s music is a 1998 civic and tyler’s is a mcclaren

  • Nov 12, 2019

    honestly top 10 photos of all time
    unironically up there with these

  • Nov 12, 2019
    1 reply


  • Nov 12, 2019
    1 reply


    makes Bobby on the table look innocent

  • Nov 12, 2019

    their content is the exact same bro ....


  • Nov 12, 2019

    «artsy» rap is at an all time high, what are u even on about

  • Nov 12, 2019
    1 reply

    makes Bobby on the table look innocent

    That Bobby on the table video is such an uncomfortable watch

  • Nov 12, 2019
    1 reply

    That Bobby on the table video is such an uncomfortable watch

    nah all live rap is like that
    him on the table is the stage and the crowd is just as white

  • Nov 12, 2019

    It’s subjective but I personally think lil b’s worst project is better than drake’s best work, forget about tyler’s arguable masterpieces. No one has listened to a drake album all the way through since the day they dropped and I firmly believe if we had access to the streaming data we could prove that

    know the based god

  • Nov 12, 2019

    nah all live rap is like that
    him on the table is the stage and the crowd is just as white

    I guess but it’s less white depending on who/where and it’s just something about that video, maybe it’s the total silence from everyone else in the room

  • Nov 12, 2019

    RIP X

    On jah?

  • Nov 12, 2019

    Get Out 2

  • Nov 12, 2019
    1 reply

    I disagree, I think if anything the music itself is the car and the content is the extra stuff. But that depends on what you value in music. I don’t need music to have some kind of grand message I just want it to be good. Drake’s music is a 1998 civic and tyler’s is a mcclaren

    ok if you don't care for the lyrics or message it can still be applied to the music itself.

    the form of the music would be what instrument/synth is being played and the content would be what the melody is or the composition of the song. vocal wise, the tone/inflection of the voices would be the form and the rhythm of the rapping/notes of the melody being sung would be the content. tylers still the same riced out honda even from that perspective.

  • He got booed cuz they wanted frank who is equally if not more artsy than drake

  • Nov 12, 2019
    1 reply

    ok if you don't care for the lyrics or message it can still be applied to the music itself.

    the form of the music would be what instrument/synth is being played and the content would be what the melody is or the composition of the song. vocal wise, the tone/inflection of the voices would be the form and the rhythm of the rapping/notes of the melody being sung would be the content. tylers still the same riced out honda even from that perspective.

    No. From that perspective tyler’s harmonies, progressions and song structures are a lot more complex and detailed than anything drake has done.

  • Nov 12, 2019
    1 reply

    It’s subjective but I personally think lil b’s worst project is better than drake’s best work, forget about tyler’s arguable masterpieces. No one has listened to a drake album all the way through since the day they dropped and I firmly believe if we had access to the streaming data we could prove that

    i mean none of Lil B’s projects are that bad either why you have to throw subs at the Basedgod lmao

  • Nov 12, 2019


    Will now use this in every argument we have bro sorry

    he posted it for it to be seen Sherlock lmfao