Nice Guy is women speak for Doormat
Is that how being chivalrous is viewed nowadays?
I wasn’t aware of such connotations
Is that how being chivalrous is viewed nowadays?
I wasn’t aware of such connotations
boring or nice idk man most women i've encountered what someone passionate who doesn't take themselves too seriously, and is just a fun presence to be around.
nice or boring guys do the bare minimum and expect something big in return, and life doesn't work that way.
Its good advice f*** u mean
If OP wants a relathionship the worst he can do its not being himself, because that s*** its not going to sustain and he's going to suffer mentally from putting a facade constantly
We should always strive for better mentally and physically, but when I say he should be himself, he shouldnt change if he doenst have anything wrong with him (like yeah if he is a bad person he should change ASAP)
If I gave this advice its cause its worked for me
thought it might be a troll thread at first but then i saw who posted it & realized “there’s no way this guy is lying about having trouble dating, look at his post history” so i unlocked it
violating my mans
Theres a difference between being a nice guy, and being a guy that is so scared to be himself that he succumbs to every decision made by a woman hes trying to date. Eg, never disagreeing with her in fear of rejection, never challenging her, not teasing her. Most of u ‘nice’ guys dont realise ur being more than nice, ur being boring, predictable, ur not showing her that ur anything worth having cos its obvious ur desperate for a girl so ur changing urself to fit what u think a girl wants. Just be yourself
Seems like most of the “bad boys” are the ones getting the girls nowadays..
If you aren’t going out and partying or getting messed up on substances every weekend it seems hard to form a meaningful relationship
Any tips for a Guy trying to date in 2021 that isn’t interested in the degeneracy of modern society? Any other straight edge “nice” guys having this problem too?
Theres a difference between being a nice guy, and being a guy that is so scared to be himself that he succumbs to every decision made by a woman hes trying to date. Eg, never disagreeing with her in fear of rejection, never challenging her, not teasing her. Most of u ‘nice’ guys dont realise ur being more than nice, ur being boring, predictable, ur not showing her that ur anything worth having cos its obvious ur desperate for a girl so ur changing urself to fit what u think a girl wants. Just be yourself
And what would you say if me being my true self is being chivalrous, dapper, classy and a gentleman?
Hard to be your true self when you’re already being your true self
I dont date but bruh just be a real genuine dude thas pretty much all there is to it.
get therapy to work out the patriarchal views that were instilled in us thru our culture and to enhance ur character
Take s*** day by day and not too seriously. Live in the present,
All these overcomplications are wild. this dating s*** in our dna. I will say the realer u are, the harder it is to find someone tho.
Personally, I think a big problem most men have these days is that they view relationships as a giving scenario as opposed to give AND take
Sure, you gotta bring something to the table but so does she
Stop going headfirst into relationships and play it cool, don't think / stress only about what you can give her, see what she has to offer you too, don't waste your time with ones who got nothing to offer
you know op it's like they always say
the nice guy gets impatient?
and even the devil shivers...
If you really want to maintain that “nice guy” persona you got going. Become friends with women and listen to their problems, especially ones with boyfriends. When they complain about their man you shame their man(if you a PMF then this helps you a lot. If you’re ugly as f*** then it wont work.)
8 times out of 10 this has worked for me with like 7 girls and they end up being stuck on me. Seems a******ish, yea but I made it clear what my intentions were (I just wanted to f***). They didn’t care and still let me. Me being a “nice guy” is how I’ve been in a 4 year relationship right now with my girl. I don’t know how old are you since I can’t say if this method works if you’re in your twenties, since I tried this from sophomore of hs year to the start of college.