It feels like he leveled up the past couple projects. Which of these 2020’s albums is your favorite?
commercial peak sure i guess
musically he's just always had different eras where he had completely different sounds ever since his debut, so its hard to nail down a peak unless you're talking about personal preference or just when he was at his most popular
I need to relisten to AS2 i wasnt in love with it compared to 4Nem which never left my rotation
I need to relisten to AS2 i wasnt in love with it compared to 4Nem which never left my rotation
AS2 is way harder imo
no one probably thought he would have a juicy j type career arc where he just calms down & refines his skill as a producer & just gets better at music in general
Dirty nachos my aoty 💯💯 no glaze, it’s fantastic all the way thru
I gotta peep this one
Definitely.. saw him a week ago show was so crazy, all the 4NEM records were insane live
He should drop more frequently
I gotta peep this one
Yea, THIS the one, was supposed to be an appetizer to AS2, but ended up being the best course imo, s*** fye
Pap on a Sosa beat, s*** sound stolen but golden
beat is whole crowd from BFTD2