SZA at #18
Metro Boomin #19
Poor Kendrick. One day
Poor Kendrick. One day
Ed Sheeran at #3 is so crazy
Idk nobody in real life who actively listens to him
I actually don‘t agree with Twitters take on Ice Spice ONLY being succesful because she‘s lightskin tho
More culture war victim mindset twitterspeak
Ice spice benefits from having a unique look and hair, big butt, s***appeal and capitalizing off a meme song with some decent follow ups
Ice Spice also got real fans who genuinely like her music and her image
I actually don‘t agree with Twitters take on Ice Spice ONLY being succesful because she‘s lightskin tho
It's reality.
Spotify‘s top 10 most streamed artists:
3 black artists (lightskins )
2 Latin artists
5 White artists
Do you really think these artists are only on this list because of their lighter complexion though? Yall must understand that I'm not saying that colorism doesn't exist but I don't think it plays that big of a part in an artist's success as people make it out to be
Spotify‘s top 10 most streamed artists:
3 black artists (lightskins )
2 Latin artists
5 White artists
Monthly listeners doesn’t mean most streamed
Do you really think these artists are only on this list because of their lighter complexion though? Yall must understand that I'm not saying that colorism doesn't exist but I don't think it plays that big of a part in an artist's success as people make it out to be
The thing is people outside of US see The Weeknd as black and he‘s on #1.
Music and image play a much higher role in the entertainment industry rn.
Ice Spice also got real fans who genuinely like her music and her image
Spice Cadets
ice spice music is trash and anyone listening to that s*** unironically is mentally redacted
you can tell the white folks ITT that wanna try so hard to ignore what's obviously there.
A huge part of the reason Drake music hit is because it’s a light skin nigga doin it
‘course it does, but to distill an artist’s success to mostly their skin color (which is what i see sometimes with Ice Spice, Beyonce) is oftentimes bad faith motivated and/or agenda driven
literally had some white redditor on here saying Beyoncé’s success was due to her being light skinned
ofc. and a lot of these artists cosplay as white as soon as they get out the country. less so since 2020 when black became a lil trendy for a hot sec.