  • Sep 6, 2020
    1 reply

    I was more hyped during Yandhi era tbh because of Hurricane, Chicago reunion etc
    At this point, i don't even believe the album is coming until its on Apple Music

    You were more hyped for an album he barely worked a month on with an unfinished demo vs an album he spent nearly a year on with a single and a finished snippet

  • Sep 6, 2020
    1 reply

    You were more hyped for an album he barely worked a month on with an unfinished demo vs an album he spent nearly a year on with a single and a finished snippet

    This. Idk why ppl itt think it’s cool to act like there was no hope for DONDA when there were multiple (brief) moments when it seemed legit (west day ever, wuitb, tracklists, twitter snippet, etc)

  • Sep 6, 2020

    Turned cynicism into a positive

    The things Ye has us doing lmfao

  • Sep 6, 2020

    This. Idk why ppl itt think it’s cool to act like there was no hope for DONDA when there were multiple (brief) moments when it seemed legit (west day ever, wuitb, tracklists, twitter snippet, etc)

    Because he decided to make a movie 2 days before the album was supposed to drop

  • Sep 6, 2020

    definitely not lmao 2018 was absolute hell

  • Sep 6, 2020
    Monky business

    least painful because I never believed it was coming

    yeah at this point every ye release is just a tradition of coming in this forum and freaking out when ye says an albums coming and then the inevitable pain that comes with when it doesnt

  • Sep 6, 2020
    1 reply

    TLOP was by far the worst, don't even compare this. At this point, no one should have been expecting this album to release when Kanye announced it and no one should expect it for months

  • Sep 8, 2020
    1 reply
    Spooky Ghost

    TLOP was by far the worst, don't even compare this. At this point, no one should have been expecting this album to release when Kanye announced it and no one should expect it for months

    Waves 10/10

  • Sep 8, 2020

    Yandhi and the 8-9 month dry period before coachella and JIK. Kanye sub was like an abandoned town in a western movie from like January - April 2019

    Donda’s been rough but Kanye’s not scrapping an album with an accompanying movie and tons of heat according to everyone who’s worked on it

  • Sep 8, 2020
    1 reply


  • Sep 8, 2020

    Ain't even been that painful really

  • Sep 8, 2020

  • Sep 8, 2020

    ooof reading some of these pages hurt man.

    thank god tlop..shit maybe even yeezus.... (his last great album) was the last one that I stayed up for and followed from the beginning.

    I find I enjoy them a little more if I completely ignore him and his tweets and rollout and just listen when its out

  • Sep 8, 2020
    1 reply

    The confusing thing for me is what he would actually gain from doing these announcements and then disappearing.

    Is he just acting on impulse with a genuine intention to try and release it on the date, even tho the reality is that it would be impossible to achieve?

    Or is he just doing and saying anything for any fleeting bit of hype he can get?

  • Sep 8, 2020

    After all these years im not sure i even whats pain anymore

  • Sep 8, 2020

    The confusing thing for me is what he would actually gain from doing these announcements and then disappearing.

    Is he just acting on impulse with a genuine intention to try and release it on the date, even tho the reality is that it would be impossible to achieve?

    Or is he just doing and saying anything for any fleeting bit of hype he can get?

    I think he thinks everything is ready, then he listens some songs again and realizes that this part could be actually better or this sound actually doesnt fit here or here he should change the drums, now he has 5 tracks he not sure about, now this means the whole album doesnt fit actually and maybe the last song should actually be the first song after all???

  • Sep 8, 2020

    the biggest issue for me is the fact that ion even know whether this album will be great or not

    i used to always be able to bet on ye to drop a masterpiece and shake the music world up. these days all i want is for him to rap on beat again

  • Sep 11, 2020

    Waves 10/10

    If you’re a 12 year old white girl then maybe

  • Sep 11, 2020

    TLOP was the most painful, by far. Learned A LOT of lessons during that rollout mainly to never get my hopes up ever when it comes to Kanye but ofc still be excited every day for it

  • Sep 12, 2020

    Remember when Kim K said wait it’s coming Black Friday

    Then we waited til Black Friday and still didn’t get it

    Yandhi era really was continual and never-ending pain

    The "Ima wait" at Coachella during Jesus Walks right when he was seemingly supposed to announce, choir went quiet, cameras focused on Ye, and nothing