His latest track no face came and went, its been almost a week since and it hasn't even cracked a million views.
His latest track no face came and went, its been almost a week since and it hasn't even cracked a million views.
Well this isn't a stimulus, it's a single
No Drake feature this year has flopped
Well this isn't a stimulus, it's a single
No Drake feature this year has flopped
Didn’t that track he did with Camilla Cabello flop?
Didn’t that track he did with Camilla Cabello flop?
Ashamedly, I didn't know what this was lol
Had to Google it
"Debuts at #92 on the US Spotify chart with 526,633 streams"
So yeah I'm wrong. Sorry!
A Carti co-sign means more than a Drake co-sign.
Signing to Opium is would do more for a rappers career than signing to ovo
Very political topic fs. Heard Signs by Drake today in the hookah bar. The US can give up Drake but the world won‘t
This is really political. Many will disagree but it is
Drake stimulus could be the butterfly effect that inspires the next 2Pac, who then ends up running for president
Drake is basically 2005 50-Cent status now. He's still big, but the cracks are showing.