  • nah idts

  • BlueChew Sean

    Nah, drove past a school the other day and some of the monstrosities I seen had me shook. This one kid in particular looked like a f***ing walking thumb with hair, like some Spy Kids s***. GMOs and micro plastics f***ing them up

    type beat

  • bring me a thick 90s baddie with unique style n great personality over these washed fake ass 'bad bs'

  • Feb 23
    2 replies
    MVP Pinhead

    I watch old movies or look at old pictures from 70s 80s 90s even 2000s and while each generation overall had unique and different aesthetics, it seems that what was considered attractive back then does not seem very attractive now.

    Do y’all think beauty standards are just changing mixed with new grooming techniques and make up developments

    or are we genuinely producing more attractive people these days

    Hell nah

    The obesity rates alone make this impossible

    And on top of that, people are doing weird, cakey-looking makeup routines which detract from their inborn beauty

    Men overall dress poorly and less are less physically fit than previous generations

    Both men and women party harder than any previous generations, and that lifestyle typically prevents you from aging gracefully

    I’m sure in 25-30 years, when generation z and young millennials get to milf and silver fox age range, we will have fewer than ever

  • Malakas

    I prefer a unique looking woman tbh. Im a sucker for aquiline noses, I’m talking real authentically crooked s***


  • mdmadon

    this a slippery slope mindset like 'mixed race people are the most attractive race' thought process i seen people having fetishizing a race just to get 'prettier/attractive' offspring not sure if ktt the place for that nuanced convo though it not always as black n white as that pun intended

    Cause they’re usually mixing with white, inherit euro centric features and thus, are seen as more attractive

    Rooted in white supremacy bs

  • mdmadon

    this a slippery slope mindset like 'mixed race people are the most attractive race' thought process i seen people having fetishizing a race just to get 'prettier/attractive' offspring not sure if ktt the place for that nuanced convo though it not always as black n white as that pun intended

    It’s also stupid to begin with cause it’s not like a single person on this earth is 100% one “race”. At some point someone’s ancestor f***ed the girl from the other tribe

  • Feb 23
    1 reply
    tomorrow volverse

    Hell nah

    The obesity rates alone make this impossible

    And on top of that, people are doing weird, cakey-looking makeup routines which detract from their inborn beauty

    Men overall dress poorly and less are less physically fit than previous generations

    Both men and women party harder than any previous generations, and that lifestyle typically prevents you from aging gracefully

    I’m sure in 25-30 years, when generation z and young millennials get to milf and silver fox age range, we will have fewer than ever

    Both men and women party harder than any previous generations - not sure bout this in uk feel like its the opposite parents were doing the most n people doing less than gen before 90s rave culture was brazy nu gen not bout that life AT ALL alot of clean living yungers

  • tomorrow volverse

    Hell nah

    The obesity rates alone make this impossible

    And on top of that, people are doing weird, cakey-looking makeup routines which detract from their inborn beauty

    Men overall dress poorly and less are less physically fit than previous generations

    Both men and women party harder than any previous generations, and that lifestyle typically prevents you from aging gracefully

    I’m sure in 25-30 years, when generation z and young millennials get to milf and silver fox age range, we will have fewer than ever

    and that’s just on a physical tip

    Our generation is morally bankrupt and full of manipulative, self absorbed people. The individualism of the modern world has taken away alot of the true nature of humanity that let our species survive for this long.

    As much as I acknowledge the need to secure the bag, run it up, and depend on no man or woman for a place to lay your head, the reality is that we live in an ecosystem built on interdependence. Everybody will need help eventually. But it’s hard to trust anyone fr

  • No, people born in the 90s seemed more attractive than people born in the 00s.

  • mdmadon

    this a slippery slope mindset like 'mixed race people are the most attractive race' thought process i seen people having fetishizing a race just to get 'prettier/attractive' offspring not sure if ktt the place for that nuanced convo though it not always as black n white as that pun intended

    poc do not reproduce with a partner who has this mindset

  • mdmadon

    u believe this/agree with this mindset?

    In eugenics? Hell no. It's just race "science" created by racist cacs. Jeff Epstein was in on eugenics, and genetic engineering. The idea that certain races of people have specific traits that would eventually lead to "improving the human race" (moreso white/European) before eventually wanting to implement technology as well.

    Both Epstein and Musk are eugenicists and transhumanists. And the fact that both of those weirdos are on that kinda time is exactly why any discussion about eugenics needs to be met with contempt. Mostly because there is still no scientific evidence that supports it as a theory.

  • i personally dont find mixed girls to be especially attractive, assuming by mixed we mean exclusively white and black heritage

    i think people look younger now, because theyre not subjecting their bodies to hard labor, and this might also have epigenetic ramifications that further induce this phenotype of youthful appearance and attractiveness. improvements in things like sleep, healthcare and diet also probably contribute

    also beauty standards change rapidly and evolution cant keep up, its mostly social conditioning that determines attractiveness i think, although evolution/appreciation for beauty has made certain traits definitively attractive in the sense that 80-90% of people might say green/blue eyes are attractive for instance (this is just an example dont cook me im not a coon)

  • Misfit

  • Mods, this thread right here is where you’ll find em

  • Malakas

    I remember you once posted your pic, you’re undoubtedly top 5 PMF on KTT PAUSE

    Top 5 is crazy. My personality really is garbage.

  • Feb 23

    Some questionable statements in here

  • mdmadon

    Both men and women party harder than any previous generations - not sure bout this in uk feel like its the opposite parents were doing the most n people doing less than gen before 90s rave culture was brazy nu gen not bout that life AT ALL alot of clean living yungers

    People are maybe less into the clubs but I was more so referring to drinking and d*** use not partying

    There’s a lot of people in their 20s and older teens who don’t go to the club or a pub, but they’ll drink at home. They pop xans and percs just to take the edge off at home after work. Or in their 30s doing a couple bumps of coke in the car before heading into their office jobs.

  • Feb 23
    1 reply

    what is you watching nigga cause I just watched boomerang the other day who’s supposed to be the equivalent of prime Halley berry in todays day and age lol

  • Feb 23
    1 reply

    who is modern day Geena Davis

  • Misfit

    got his ass

  • tunemoon

    All these hoes plastic now

    this. we were going forward in the 90s but started going backwards with all the injections and surgeries

  • Feb 23
    2 replies

    what is you watching nigga cause I just watched boomerang the other day who’s supposed to be the equivalent of prime Halley berry in todays day and age lol

    Mari Morrow in How to be a Player

  • humey

    who is modern day Geena Davis

    Feb 23
    1 reply

    Mid 10s girls were on another level imo
