  • Feb 24
    1 reply
    lil ufo

    idk about that but I know most of these kids look like they're clones ffs

    tik tok fashion making them look like cartoon characters

    Yea i work on a college campus and i have noticed everyone dresses the same its kinda weird

  • lil ufo 🛸
    Feb 24
    2 replies

    Yea i work on a college campus and i have noticed everyone dresses the same its kinda weird

    man I'm just tired of the same baggy wide jeans + big ass toasters in their feet

    s*** does NOT LOOK GOOD for most of people wearing them

  • lil ufo

    man I'm just tired of the same baggy wide jeans + big ass toasters in their feet

    s*** does NOT LOOK GOOD for most of people wearing them

    Big facts. The whole baggy throwback thing needs to be over asap

  • Misfit

    explain the diss lmao

  • Feb 24
    2 replies
    lil ufo

    idk about that but I know most of these kids look like they're clones ffs

    tik tok fashion making them look like cartoon characters

    type beat

  • Botney


    brazy he fumbled the model/social media personality/influencer bag

  • lil ufo

    man I'm just tired of the same baggy wide jeans + big ass toasters in their feet

    s*** does NOT LOOK GOOD for most of people wearing them

    i blame balenciaga only really them them look good on a thim slick ting at carnival 1 time the rest

  • idk sometimes i get those vintage beauty pics on my explore and fyp and think i was born in the wrong era

  • Feb 24
    2 replies

  • Elric

  • something about this era idk

  • lil ufo 🛸
    Feb 24
    1 reply

    type beat

    yep most eastern european girls look like this

  • Feb 24
    3 replies
    lil ufo

    yep most eastern european girls look like this

  • lil ufo 🛸
    Feb 24


  • Feb 24
    1 reply

    I need to get the f*** outta america

    Except im black so im probably cooked outside of america

  • Feb 24

    Dunno but they sure are getting dumber

  • Feb 24

    the baddies got badder but not everyone else

  • Feb 24
    1 reply

    Tbh I think it's kinda like a beauty "eugenics/evolution"

    It's like how hot celebs marry other hot celebs and have hot celeb children

  • Feb 24
    1 reply

    Tbh I think it's kinda like a beauty "eugenics/evolution"

    It's like how hot celebs marry other hot celebs and have hot celeb children

    Its a evolutionary process, how people mate, its very likely that we will converge to some set of traits, thats probably already happened within populations but as globalization continues it could be something that the entire human race experiences collectively

  • Its actually a fascinating topic and now im obsessed

  • I think it's has more to do with beauty standards changing and people caring about their appearances now more then ever before.

  • Feb 24
    1 reply

    Its a evolutionary process, how people mate, its very likely that we will converge to some set of traits, thats probably already happened within populations but as globalization continues it could be something that the entire human race experiences collectively

    For sure

    Seeing how my good looking friends are dating good looking people and my unattractive friends are dating unattractive people it will be interesting to see if there are 2 sub sections of human around the world: the very hot population and the very ugly population

    Or maybe 4 sub sections: hot and smart people (Anna Cramling) / hot and dumb people (Kardashian type celebs) / ugly and smart people (loser nerds) / ugly and dumb people

  • Feb 24
    2 replies
    · edited

    For sure

    Seeing how my good looking friends are dating good looking people and my unattractive friends are dating unattractive people it will be interesting to see if there are 2 sub sections of human around the world: the very hot population and the very ugly population

    Or maybe 4 sub sections: hot and smart people (Anna Cramling) / hot and dumb people (Kardashian type celebs) / ugly and smart people (loser nerds) / ugly and dumb people

    Yea thats possible, i think most likely theres a bias in mating where more attractive people have more s***and thus have greater influence over the evolution of our species, which would support what op says

    Its all way too much randomness tho to rly a***yze it statistically

  • Feb 24
    1 reply

    If you're online only maybe. In the real world there's plenty of ugly people

  • Windmaster

    Yea thats possible, i think most likely theres a bias in mating where more attractive people have more s***and thus have greater influence over the evolution of our species, which would support what op says

    Its all way too much randomness tho to rly a***yze it statistically

    Ooo interesting yea I could see that factoring in

    Hot people def have more s***than ugly people

    Although sometimes I'm shocked at how busy ugly people can get
