  • Mar 17, 2023

    But being self aware that you’re wrong doesn’t mean that the s*** you say isn’t annoying.

    Which is why being edgy with friends doesn’t seem to be that bad, but it’s ducking awful if you’re doing it in public or with people you don’t know

  • Mar 17, 2023
    brest milk

    So everybody in the late 90's were losers?

    Man…they were going to abandoned houses and played with ouija boards…you tell me

  • Mar 17, 2023

    I feel like some peoples definition of edginess is like some kid in their class yelling "cock and balls" while the teacher is talking but thats not what edgy is

  • Mar 17, 2023
    2 replies

    who cares

  • Mar 17, 2023

    who cares

    I just want you to think

  • Mar 17, 2023
    1 reply

    who cares

    Why you gotta be a d***?

  • Mar 17, 2023
    1 reply
    brest milk

    Why you gotta be a d***?

    That edgy energy

  • Mar 17, 2023


  • Mar 17, 2023

    That edgy energy

    Oh yeah thats right. What a trailblazer

  • Mar 17, 2023

    Sheep opinions?

    Sheep with onions

  • Mar 17, 2023


  • Mar 17, 2023
    1 reply

    People who hide behind ironical edgy jokes and comments are compensating heavily

  • Marble

    If you a vegan you edgy simple as that

    Lmao what

  • Mar 17, 2023
    1 reply

    by that definition being vegan is edgy and i think most people would balk at that concept


  • Mar 17, 2023
    1 reply

    People who hide behind ironical edgy jokes and comments are compensating heavily

    for what

  • plants 🌻
    Mar 17, 2023
    Spicy XCX


    sorry bro, i gotchu back now

  • Mar 17, 2023
    1 reply
    Spicy XCX

    for what

    I don't want to know!

  • Mar 17, 2023

    I don't want to know!


    Mar 17, 2023

    most of the time yes

    Mar 17, 2023

    especially from cacs

  • Mar 18, 2023

    If you’re going to lump all edginess together as bad energy I think you’ll start to lose the skill of discerning context and character. Which is why I think certain brands of edgy jokes are good and important and why others are lame or just cruel. Idk about the weak minded part, could make the same argument for the reverse mindset, no one’s an island

  • Mar 18, 2023

    What’s the point tho
    Why do/be either
    At the root of it seems to be seeking validation and attention

    Some people just genuinely have different opinions. You can tell who is being edgy vs who actually just has different beliefs by their rationale

    Edgy people have no real reasoning and can’t make a compelling argument in favor of their beliefs.

    Lot of people call me edgy but I can explain why I have my opinions and I do a good job at it

  • Mar 18, 2023

    One thing I’ve gotten from this thread is thoughts on binary vs “tertiary”

  • Mar 18, 2023

    This thread is me doing something provocative just for the sake of it. Why? Just to massage my own ego at the sake of Edgy people. For attention. My seeking validation from the external is a trait of the weak minded.

    Bro punishing himself

  • Mar 18, 2023

    i would say if your goal is to be edgy for the sake then yes, but i think you can still have a good message and be uncomfortable to the masses and that can be considered edgy too.