Respectfully, You young niggas not about to discredit Flashing Lights in 2021.
We get it Yeezus raised you
This really isn’t a hip hop song though
Great song nonetheless
yall say the dumbest s*** here
First minute and a half of this track is beautiful, it’s the strings of Flashing Lights but just extended. Rest of the track is eh
It's gotta be at least top 10, right?
this song becomes so much more potent at night its insane
I agree with song structure it’s definitely not traditional. When I hear the term hip-hop I consciously think about the rapping. While the song structure is great Kanye’s rapping is not in the class to be labeled greatest hip hop song imo. He’s basically talking over the beat, the flow just isn’t there. However I know he makes it work artistically.
I can definitely see that. If we're talking about pure lyricism/technical ability, Flashing Lights is definitely not at that level. But, looking at what Kanye was trying to achieve with that song, it's honestly perfect in my eyes.
It doesn't have the greatest lyricism. But it has serious quotables and bars that stick with you for decades. It doesn't have a crazy flow. But it contains an artist at a time where he had some of the best charisma hip-hop's ever had. It doesn't have hard-hitting drums and a slick boom-bap feel that a lot of classic tracks previously had. But at the time, it was one of the most creative singles I think the genre had seen.
That's my argument for it though. I can definitely see your PoV too.
No, it's one of the greatest songs of all time
Man that beat is something else
s*** feels like riding in a limo its crazy lol
this song becomes so much more potent at night its insane
listening to it at dusk or dawn will change your life.
A breezy autumn morning, not too cold but not warm either. A purple sky with streaks of orange clouds, when you can still see the stars. You know you've reached the apex of music when those synths start swelling, the strings start playing, and the sun is starting to peek from the horizon
I can definitely see that. If we're talking about pure lyricism/technical ability, Flashing Lights is definitely not at that level. But, looking at what Kanye was trying to achieve with that song, it's honestly perfect in my eyes.
It doesn't have the greatest lyricism. But it has serious quotables and bars that stick with you for decades. It doesn't have a crazy flow. But it contains an artist at a time where he had some of the best charisma hip-hop's ever had. It doesn't have hard-hitting drums and a slick boom-bap feel that a lot of classic tracks previously had. But at the time, it was one of the most creative singles I think the genre had seen.
That's my argument for it though. I can definitely see your PoV too.
All good bro we just look at the term hip hop differently. One thing we can agree on is FL is a great song 🤝
First minute and a half of this track is beautiful, it’s the strings of Flashing Lights but just extended. Rest of the track is eh
have you heard this version?
have you heard this version?
s/o bbng man
listening to it at dusk or dawn will change your life.
A breezy autumn morning, not too cold but not warm either. A purple sky with streaks of orange clouds, when you can still see the stars. You know you've reached the apex of music when those synths start swelling, the strings start playing, and the sun is starting to peek from the horizon
the imagery
no joke the fact that Flashing Lights 2 never came out is worse than Detox
s*** feels like riding in a limo its crazy lol
Yep! Wit a bad b**** stripping in front of yuh while sipping on champagne!