Try and sing like The Weeknd
Guarantee you won't sound anywhere near as good as him
That’s an issue of tone. His actual singing ability is not top tier and that’s fine.
The only "singer" that can actually sing - who made it big in the 2010s - is Miguel. Everyone else seem to be poverty "singers" AT BEST. Who else would you add to the list with Miguel?
is anyone really doing whisper pop aside from like Selena Gomez and Billie Eilish though
Yes a lot of them. But that level I'd only add Lana Del Rey.
There's a disparity in Pop between technically capable singers and great emotional vocalists with only Sia knowing how to do both. I'm being hyperbolic but who else is there?
KTT thinks all you gotta do to be a good singer is hit a falsetto
exactly this
she's a good singer
yeah she's good - i take it back
don't really like this but he isn't terrible
Niggas never heard adele? Stink ass w****
she didn't blow up in the 10s