  • i took a look at some of the ways artists can use hate (especially on social media) to fuel their career in a positive direction. i looked at karrahbooo bc she's a popular target for haters on twitter lol and i think she and her team do a good job of flipping it

    I have this theory that one of the best ways to make your casual fans more serious fans is to have them go to battle for you online. what do yall think?

  • Apr 9

    Only if they dont take it too personal & spiral out over it

  • Said it before and I’ll say it again, Drake needs to develop a serious heroin habit before recording any more music. This would be the best possible career move for him.

    He would produce a deranged, dark, d***ged out experimental album that would be praised. He’d give grizzly accounts of life and the situations he gets into while being a fiend, and hustling pills on the side to fuel his addiction as people begin to distance themselves from him. Soon it would come out about his addiction and the media would be buzzing. Scandal after scandal would arise and he’d be the most talked about person in the world as he continues down this dark path of addiction and insanity. Then, he would get arrested for possession and do a stint in jail, adding credibility to the hard image he’s been trying to adopt for sometime. The #FreeDrake movement would be like nothing we’ve ever seen before and it would spark an international conversation about how we treat addicts (rehabilitative vs punitive punishment.

    Drake would get out, get clean, and become the face of the opiate epidemic sweeping North America, opening him up to even wider audiences and platforms. His first album after release would sell a million first week and be praised, as Drizzy explores a whole new realm of lyrical content reflecting on his past degenerate behavior and becomes a symbol of hope for millions dealing with addiction. This would be great for his image, solidify him as one of the greatest rappers ever, and create worldwide change that benefits millions for years to come.

    The best possible thing drake could do for his career is to start doing as much dog food as possible, as soon as possible.

  • Everybody reacts different

  • Being hated been cool doe if u use it right

    NWA made what hiphop is today with benefiting from all the hate, legendary s***

  • Really depends how far the hate goes

    Could hit deep. People are human