  • Free YoungBoy

    Reddit is racist af lol

    Just look at the comments whenever a black dude wins a fight vs a white dude winning one against a black dude

    Reddit went from being ok at best to probably being the most f***ed up at this point

    They just took down the sub for posting pics of "your hot mom" and I believe it was up for years

    All major politics subs seem like obvious pysops and no matter the stance on smaller ones they're pretty nasty

  • Everybody on social media that isn’t a teenager is a degenerate, including us.

  • panocha princess

    when i check ppls accounts that make fun of others looks im always floored

  • Free YoungBoy

    Instagram and YouTube comments are the lowest form of communication. I don’t read either one

    sometimes Youtube is honestly funny af, and also sometimes extremely wholesome. if the first few comments are negative, i don't scroll anymore but sometimes i get a lot of joy seeing people praise an artist who really deserves it

  • Yeah all social media is trash

    Every photo or video from a mainstream account will have someone say some racist / transphobia / sexist bait and have like hundreds of comments of arguments

    Social media is cooked with f***ed up bigotry

    Only gonna get worst as we get closer to the election

  • Apr 2
    1 reply

    i love when the top YT comment is "like this comment to grow your peen 3 inches" and it has thousands of likes. that will always be funny to me. and i will always like it

  • I'm not active on social media like that. I've outgrown it

  • Apr 3
    1 reply
    u ok jay

    i love when the top YT comment is "like this comment to grow your peen 3 inches" and it has thousands of likes. that will always be funny to me. and i will always like it

  • Apr 3

    It really did get bad out of nowhere again. Election coming up

  • Why would the degenerates leave twittwr? Its the most degen its ever been now

  • ig reel comments are legit the real outcast mfs are miserable

  • hoopsplayer21

    instagram comments crack me up lol

  • st mis

    i rarely check Instagram comments but i know what you’re talking about @op

    only recommendation i have is to try to get off of the mainstream pages like raptv and whatever else and try to find more niche accounts that do the same s***, the bigger accounts get off of rage/engagement baiting and people fighting in the comments

    This is great advice for improving your social media experience in general

  • Niggamortis 👨‍🚀
    Apr 3

    ig reels comment section is just people threatening crimes

  • IG has no chill when it comes to making fun of people with disabilities LMFAOOOO

  • I think social media was just a misfake

  • All the people in the comments regarding anything LSU women’s basketball is gonna be ridiculous

  • Duck Fieri

    it's getting huge now

  • plants 🌻
    Apr 3

    symptom of collapse and decay

  • Marble

    Comments on YouTube shorts are even worse

    youtube comments always been unhinged tho

  • The internet has been compromised. What was once a place of free speech and free thinking is now a heavily moderated place who's core ideologies go to the highest bidders

    Nothing you see on the internet is real. Everything is curated. Everything is censored.