I feel there's a lot of pressure on young folks to have everything figured out by the time they're like 25. But life doesn't always work like that. Do you think there's an age where if you don't have s*** figured out (like a career, a house etc) then it's too late for you?
I don't. I'm getting on a bit and still have hope that I'll get to where I want to be but I want to know what y'all think.
The deadline is when u die and since u have no way of knowing when that happens might as well act now before it happens
The deadline is when u die and since u have no way of knowing when that happens might as well act now before it happens
nigahiga still better but great answer
Its never too late but the fallacy as young people is that we feel like we have all the time in the world which certainly is not the case
not at all
every time i start to feel that way about myself i just look towards my mom and realize that s*** is false. ma just turned 44 two months ago and she probably living her best days rn, same goes for my stepdad. my mom moved out for the first time at 30 and started going to school like a year later, by that time i was 8/9 years old