y'all so desperate to have a hot take and talk down on someones work
s*** still slaps and y'all need a stronger attention span
It probably only feels that way because all of the videos and main promo were done leading up to the album release and not after. There really isn’t much need to push promo now since festivals are coming up and Tyler’s headlining the majority of them. This album will be on people’s minds for quite a while.
everything comes and goes in the streaming era. except Views and TLOP. maybe DAMN
everything comes and goes in the streaming era. except Views and TLOP. maybe DAMN
And voice of the heroes
everything comes and goes in the streaming era. except Views and TLOP. maybe DAMN
the only thing is people are still talking about Tyler’s album. This dude just wanna make edgy threads
I think it could have been better. But I dig it and it’s most definitely in rotation.
The songs I come back to are hot wind blows, wusyaname, wilshire, sweet, lumberjack
That’s 5 undeniable songs. The rest get plays but don’t catch my attention.
Drama brought nothing to the album. They tried to do that Dedication 2 thing but I wasn’t into it. He should have done a free tape on YouTube if that’s the aesthetic he was after.
Thought IGOR had 0 skips in comparison.