  • Aug 3, 2024
    1 reply
    hybrid supreme

    I understand a lack of eligible partners can be frustrating but I question why anyone would even want to build with someone who gives up so easily! Let the older dudes f*** those annoying girls, chances are they’re not gonna fall in love with em anyway lol

    They usually give up after years of giving it a chance, which is why a lot of dudes get jaded because there’s so much potential that just went to waste because the girl eventually regresses back to her mindset. A lot of people want things to be their way, and it often doesn’t come to fruition until you’re years deep in this dynamic where you’ve done like 99% right, but that mindset is that 1% they can’t get over.

    So they leave cause achieving that mindset is what they think will make them happy, and I guess history is proving this isn’t necessarily all the way true and learning to compromise and change your perspectives is a key to happiness in relationships and honestly? With self, because now you don’t self sabotage a good thing.

    It’s tough out here. But there are a lot of amazing women, just gotta keep vetting and don’t let a red flag slide, call that s*** out so they know you not vibing with that. She’ll either adjust or stick to her ways, but at least now you saved both of yourselves a lot of time. And this last part is very circumstantial, because people are REALLY good at faking nowadays. The dating game is so complicated today

  • Aug 3, 2024
    1 reply

    They usually give up after years of giving it a chance, which is why a lot of dudes get jaded because there’s so much potential that just went to waste because the girl eventually regresses back to her mindset. A lot of people want things to be their way, and it often doesn’t come to fruition until you’re years deep in this dynamic where you’ve done like 99% right, but that mindset is that 1% they can’t get over.

    So they leave cause achieving that mindset is what they think will make them happy, and I guess history is proving this isn’t necessarily all the way true and learning to compromise and change your perspectives is a key to happiness in relationships and honestly? With self, because now you don’t self sabotage a good thing.

    It’s tough out here. But there are a lot of amazing women, just gotta keep vetting and don’t let a red flag slide, call that s*** out so they know you not vibing with that. She’ll either adjust or stick to her ways, but at least now you saved both of yourselves a lot of time. And this last part is very circumstantial, because people are REALLY good at faking nowadays. The dating game is so complicated today

    Very well said. I'm in 100% agreeance. Gotta know what you want and set your boundaries.

    My longest relationship has only been 2 years though so I'm not really one to give advice

  • Wanting to be 40 and still dating sounds kinda wild to me... I'm 29 and these hoes already starting to annoy the s*** out of me. Honestly s***is cool but I've kind of wore myself out of it lol. Trying to find a real 1 and lock her down asap.

  • Aug 3, 2024
    1 reply
    hybrid supreme

    Very well said. I'm in 100% agreeance. Gotta know what you want and set your boundaries.

    My longest relationship has only been 2 years though so I'm not really one to give advice

    2 years a long time bro, don’t talk down on your experiences many have never had I know you got some sauce haha

  • Aug 3, 2024
    1 reply

    2 years a long time bro, don’t talk down on your experiences many have never had I know you got some sauce haha

    Thank you brother I appreciate those kind words! You're right. It just doesn't seem long compared to some of the numbers some of these people say when they tell me about their relationships but yeah love is love no matter the time spent.

    I get the frustration @op is feeling though fr, I just got into something a little more serious after about a year of being single and dating / social life in general is getting worse for sure. I don't want to sound sexist but a lot of women these days are being brainwashed and manipulated by social media. I mean guys are too but girls are usually a little more susceptible to s*** like that.

    Tough finding a mentally strong women who isn't already in a serious relationship fr.

  • Aug 3, 2024
    1 reply
    hybrid supreme

    Thank you brother I appreciate those kind words! You're right. It just doesn't seem long compared to some of the numbers some of these people say when they tell me about their relationships but yeah love is love no matter the time spent.

    I get the frustration @op is feeling though fr, I just got into something a little more serious after about a year of being single and dating / social life in general is getting worse for sure. I don't want to sound sexist but a lot of women these days are being brainwashed and manipulated by social media. I mean guys are too but girls are usually a little more susceptible to s*** like that.

    Tough finding a mentally strong women who isn't already in a serious relationship fr.

    I feel you bro. It’s a tough topic to discuss cause just being honest on your observations of life and how things are playing out can be misinterpreted are misogyny, like you were saying. It’s really wild to me how much social media has destroyed women’s perceptions on many things, guys too.

    That last statement is so unbelievably true bro I’m happy for you. I believe she gonna show up on day. My 2 year relationship just ended for lack of mental strength on her side (her words). Is what it is

  • Aug 3, 2024

    Can we mute @op

    Bro been giving me school shooter loser vibes for months like a King Vamp goonprint vol 2.

  • Aug 3, 2024

    Damn these older guys are F***IN and there you are suffering from DRY D***? Where is the government??

  • Aug 3, 2024

    Lot of yall just need to go outside (i can tell a lot of this site dont) that is yall biggest problem.

  • Aug 3, 2024

    I was 24 definitely effing with a shawty in her mid 40s a couple years ago

  • Aug 3, 2024
    1 reply

    My girl 3 years older

  • Aug 3, 2024

    My girl 3 years older


  • all you gotta do is wait?

  • Aug 3, 2024

    theres billions of girls in the world, and you only get to interact with a small percentage over your lifetime

  • Aug 3, 2024

    You are so f***ing dense.

    Getting p**** isn’t an Issue for almost anyone. That part is beyond easy, getting real commitment is the part we are talking about. They are putting greed above everything atm

    This is simply not true, some niggas cannot sniff p****

  • Aug 3, 2024
    1 reply

    Ion buy It but I will say these hoes are GASSED

  • Aug 3, 2024

    You are so f***ing dense.

    Getting p**** isn’t an Issue for almost anyone. That part is beyond easy, getting real commitment is the part we are talking about. They are putting greed above everything atm

    Yea I mean if u include prostitutes and ugly hoes

  • Aug 3, 2024

    You sound overly judgemental

  • Aug 3, 2024
    huge choppie fan

    you want the government to intervene cuz you cant get p****?

  • Aug 3, 2024
    big guy

    brah said we need p**** police

  • Aug 3, 2024

    Ion buy It but I will say these hoes are GASSED

  • Aug 3, 2024
    1 reply

    I think you’re focusing on useless hoes with no benefit, maybe try getting a woman with a job?

  • Aug 3, 2024
    1 reply

    I feel you bro. It’s a tough topic to discuss cause just being honest on your observations of life and how things are playing out can be misinterpreted are misogyny, like you were saying. It’s really wild to me how much social media has destroyed women’s perceptions on many things, guys too.

    That last statement is so unbelievably true bro I’m happy for you. I believe she gonna show up on day. My 2 year relationship just ended for lack of mental strength on her side (her words). Is what it is

    They'll show up for us all one day if we keep our heads high and our hearts open I believe that brother!! Sometimes it's about shifting our own perception too. I know a lot of people that spend so much time chasing perfection but sometimes it's about humbling ourselves and being grateful for the people we have and are willing to put up with our bullshit.

    Keep you head up bro, it'll happen to us multiple times throughout our lives most likely. I was in the same situation with my last breakup about a year ago bro, s*** sucks bad but honestly it really does make us stronger in the end

    Much love brother, we all gonna get there 💪

  • Aug 3, 2024

    when I feel down bout myself I just pop into life sxn

    you losers are truly unmatched

  • Aug 3, 2024
    huge choppie fan

    you want the government to intervene cuz you cant get p****?

    Bro said he wants a bailout