nigga not even listing major issues, but said stupid s*** like chipotle and iphones
nigga not even listing major issues, but said stupid s*** like chipotle and iphones
eat hot chip and lie 2020s charge ipohne
I think the weather is what’s signaling that something is wrong for me. Like the weather shouldn’t be this hot and extreme.
I be tryng to have a postivee outlook and shiit buuut this world just
Nevr having kids, ill take care of cats and dogs .
Maybe a pointless recommendation and you've maybe heard about it, but the book meditations by marcus aurelius really helped me throughout the years. Just keep in mind that you yourself decide what matters regardless of what others say, and all of this aint that serious, but we do have a purpose to fulfill, a human without a purpose is destined to wither tbh
Real s***
Also when you give up hope for the future you only allow yourself to be more easily manipulated. Social Media and Media in general is owned and operated by the extremely wealthy, Zuckerberg, Musk, etc all directly benefit and gain wealth and power from your feeling of hopelessness. There is direct financial incentive for doomerism with all that stuff.
the bleakest lifetime fall off we've witnessed has been the falloff of the once fun populist diy internet and its replacement with the algorithmitized, bot infested, corporate, propagandized internet
Had to do it, but what you said is 100% true
Real s***, I have this intense longing for the past. I miss everything about it. I can't tell if it's just because I was a kid so I had less responsibilities and I was more ignorant of what the world is really like. Or whether it's because life was genuinely better then because we didn't have the negative effects of technology and capitalism
I thought about this the other day and I think I'd give almost anything to go back and just relive that 2003-2016 period of my life over and over
Who do these young kids even have to look up to? People don't care about their image anymore. We had role models like lebron james, Mr rogers, serena williams (to name a few). These kids are growing up in a world that idolizes self destruction and values materialism. This is the fall of western civilizations
These kids don't value hard work. They're so selfish. I have siblings that are 10+ years younger than me and their priorities are so out of wack, it's nauseating. Look at the food/service industry. It's gone to s***. You can't expect good service from 18-25 demographic.
These kids don't value hard work. They're so selfish. I have siblings that are 10+ years younger than me and their priorities are so out of wack, it's nauseating. Look at the food/service industry. It's gone to s***. You can't expect good service from 18-25 demographic.
I circle that priority thing back to your last post.
Who do the young people have to look up to? who's setting the example?
Bad guidance and bad leadership + toxic social environments