  • Apr 27, 2021

    nah he just talking about suicide ...

    Lord help em spitta voice

  • Apr 27, 2021

    Summed it up perfectly
    I guess a white boy having a temper tantrum where these goofys draw the line. Get a real problem

  • Gojira 🦖
    Apr 27, 2021

    Yes it is

  • Apr 27, 2021

    Freddie posts bullshit all the time so I don’t care about what he does, he’s basically an edgy s*** poster but the majority of people tweeting that and making fun of the guy are sociopathic losers. Mocking a mentally ill worker having a breakdown after being harassed simply trying to make it through their day under this crippling system is beyond cruel.

  • Apr 27, 2021

    i feel bad for the hotel guy =/ cameraman really did ruin his life

  • Apr 27, 2021

    This kinda seems like bullying.

  • Apr 27, 2021
    2 replies

    that guy’s a piece of s*** though

    got exposed on twitter the other day for a bunch of s***

  • Apr 27, 2021

    I don’t think anyone should be sharing that video of the dude in a clearly low point in his life. Dude had a bad day at work and now this situation is immortalized on the internet because some d***head didn’t know to just call his credit card company.

    Freddie got millions of followers and this s*** is just as bad as DaBaby making fun of that airline worker in front of his millions of followers.

    However like you said this is pretty much Freddie’s brand so you can’t really expect much from him with sharing s*** like this, it’s just what he does


  • Apr 27, 2021
    1 reply
    Troy Ave Stan

    I mean he not wrong, don’t give that man a firearm

    he not wrong but he in the wrong. guy clearly has austism

  • Apr 27, 2021
    3 replies

    he shares terrible s*** all the time, people are just using this particular video to self-righteously soapbox. "oh but he's obviously having a breakdown on account of his BPD with schizo-affective tendencies!!!!" get out of here, most people would have no way of knowing that. not to mention people are being racist as s*** towards gibbs as well.

  • Apr 27, 2021

    Freddie Gibbs is an ugly dust pan f*** that pos

  • Apr 27, 2021
    1 reply

    that guy’s a piece of s*** though

    got exposed on twitter the other day for a bunch of s***

    there's a lot to be said about how white leftists will take every opportunity to be racist, especially towards a black person who seemingly "slips up," because it gives them a chance to preach about their whole class reductionist/anti-""""idpol"""" s*** but that's a conversation for another day

    EDIT: that's not the real SDL but my point still stands.

  • Apr 27, 2021

    thats me everyday at work i feel him T_T

  • Apr 27, 2021
    1 reply

    he shares terrible s*** all the time, people are just using this particular video to self-righteously soapbox. "oh but he's obviously having a breakdown on account of his BPD with schizo-affective tendencies!!!!" get out of here, most people would have no way of knowing that. not to mention people are being racist as s*** towards gibbs as well.

    idk, i think there's a very clear difference between a video of someone self multilating and very audibly weeping and videos of people who get into fights or do whatever other dumb that gets them in a situation that goes viral online for the wrong reasons.

  • Apr 27, 2021

    he shares terrible s*** all the time, people are just using this particular video to self-righteously soapbox. "oh but he's obviously having a breakdown on account of his BPD with schizo-affective tendencies!!!!" get out of here, most people would have no way of knowing that. not to mention people are being racist as s*** towards gibbs as well.

    I agree. The only difference between this and the content he usually shares is that he's usually poking fun at another black person.

  • Apr 27, 2021
    2 replies

    idk, i think there's a very clear difference between a video of someone self multilating and very audibly weeping and videos of people who get into fights or do whatever other dumb that gets them in a situation that goes viral online for the wrong reasons.

    You gotta realize those people usually on hard d**** and have no control over whats going on and they dont have a reliable way to get help. They are down just as bad if not worse than the guy working at the hotel.

  • Apr 27, 2021
    1 reply

    there's a lot to be said about how white leftists will take every opportunity to be racist, especially towards a black person who seemingly "slips up," because it gives them a chance to preach about their whole class reductionist/anti-""""idpol"""" s*** but that's a conversation for another day

    EDIT: that's not the real SDL but my point still stands.

    Anybody with a base level of empathy recognizes this video as disgusting. Nice buzzwords though

  • Apr 27, 2021

    Freddie a cornball for posting that 100%.

  • Apr 27, 2021
    rhyming rhino

    You gotta realize those people usually on hard d**** and have no control over whats going on and they dont have a reliable way to get help. They are down just as bad if not worse than the guy working at the hotel.

    usually those videos are at a party or a gathering of some sort where d**** are being used recreationally, this guy was sober and at work not under the influence of anything

    i get what youre saying tho

  • Apr 27, 2021

    people itt asking why they got him working customer service smh we dont need anyone else discriminating against us for our private mental health issues let alone the entire workplace

  • Apr 27, 2021
    rhyming rhino

    You gotta realize those people usually on hard d**** and have no control over whats going on and they dont have a reliable way to get help. They are down just as bad if not worse than the guy working at the hotel.

    No matter the circumstances of the videos, whether they be mentally ill, drunk, high, or just stupid it's probably morally wrong to make fun of the people in them, but there's undeniably levels to it.

    also it's a big leap to write off all addiction to the fault of others and while it's certainly a very noble and empathetic stance it's just wrong in a lot of cases. over the past few months my gambling issues got really really bad and it wasn't until recently that I quit and started to get better. that addiction was my fault and as easy as it could have been to point my finger at the people who introduced me to gambling, or the sportsbooks and casinos for advertising in undeniably predatory ways, or the government for making it so easily accessible that wouldn't be right because at the end of the day it was my fault.

  • Apr 27, 2021

    that guy’s a piece of s*** though

    got exposed on twitter the other day for a bunch of s***

    Why are millennial commies in 2021 always champagne socialists

  • Apr 27, 2021

    reminds me of nicki laughing at that homeless/crackhead 'she needs help' meek mill making that crackhead do 20 press ups for $20 nd 50 cent laughing at that disabled in the airport some rappers be so hood ignorant and ratchet even as big grown adults its straight embarrassing needs to get flushed outta hiphop asap no other genres be taking the piss out of disadvantaged people s***s gotta stop asap

  • Apr 27, 2021
    1 reply

    he shares terrible s*** all the time, people are just using this particular video to self-righteously soapbox. "oh but he's obviously having a breakdown on account of his BPD with schizo-affective tendencies!!!!" get out of here, most people would have no way of knowing that. not to mention people are being racist as s*** towards gibbs as well.

    most people would have no way of knowing that before the incident but how does that justify harassing him and posting the video online thinking youve done something funny after the incident when it obvious that hes on the spectrum?

  • Apr 27, 2021
    1 reply

    Damn what a stupid take
