I don't think he's bad but he's not in the upper tier.
Biden will sit firmly in the middle.
biden more than any other president we’ve ever had before is showing us being POTUS just means you’re a mascot/puppet speaker of the US and don’t even need to have a working brain to do it
I never even felt like I had a president under him, like he didn't have that presidential authoritative air around him. Nor the charisma. Obama had it. I don't like what Trump stand for but even he has it
That’s a good thing
he's been a good president
-cut child poverty in half then republicans said f*** off
-supported ukraine and may have disincentivised further aggression from other powers at least for the time being
-helped to bring some high value manufacturing back to the us
-defeated donald trump, a dangerous and frankly destructive man
-major investments in green energy, decarbonising the economy and control of inflation
-got us troops out of afghanistan- the collapse of the Islamic Republic was inevitable the moment this happened and cant be blamed on him
-student loan forgiveness
-somehow managed to keep the senate
Areas for improvement:
-his IRA may have caused problems for his european allies
-he could perhaps give ukraine higher impact technology to assure a faster victory
overall hes been pretty good but could be better
Terrific post. In terms of US president biden has been solid
.. better than Obama for sure (both of these very low barrier I know )
Terrific post. In terms of US president biden has been solid
.. better than Obama for sure (both of these very low barrier I know )
Yeah he's ok. Still not good but none are
Don't know how anyone would say he's the same as trump or worse
Nah. Biden a racist old fart, who can't tell 1+1
So same as Trump nice
Crazy people saying Biden is worst than Trump itt lol when the nigga started a REVOLT - LEGIT TREASON AND DOMESTIC TERRORISM
Not to mention Trump ruining our relationships with China + Mexico & letting America get hit in catastrophic ways that the country is still f***ed up from Covid from health to product supply to oil etc. & a major reaspn our economy is currently f***ed LMAO
Literally so much of the issues from Biden is stemming from, due to or started with Trump either directly from him or indirectly by his people
Also you niggas sound dumb af saying "well with Biden we are a laughing stock so 🤓" first of all you already were with trump & 2nd most countries dont like USA to begin with you stupid asses also who gives af anyways it doesnt matter what other countries think yall are so braindead
Crazy people saying Biden is worst than Trump itt lol when the nigga started a REVOLT - LEGIT TREASON AND DOMESTIC TERRORISM
with what he’s done within his power, it’s alright
also ukraine needs billions and billions because those billions would be spent anyway if he didn’t stand up to putin. just later
He's just an empty suit to sign legislation for the DNC's presidium of megadonors and campaign financiers.
What Biden is clear evidence of, though, is that representative democracy has been a laughable failure for the US. The most powerful nation in the world, and our two prime candidates are Biden and Trump? Give me a f***ing break
Time for Swiss direct democracy, please. Cut out these self-interested intermediaries to policy and let the public govern their localities with a high degree of independence.
Also you niggas sound dumb af saying "well with Biden we are a laughing stock so 🤓" first of all you already were with trump & 2nd most countries dont like USA to begin with you stupid asses also who gives af anyways it doesnt matter what other countries think yall are so braindead
5/5 perfect replies great ratio
Yes, so is Obama
These mfers still showing proof of Hunter Biden getting paid but nothing about Sleepy Joe
Better than Trump
Reminder his biggest drop in popularity was pulling out of Afghanistan
Lmao did he forget how to work his legs
Crine at "Good: supports new bullshit war. Bad: could've increased arms budget to win bullshit war sooner"