if it’s in his best interest, then yeah. obviously $$ talks and media platforms aren’t legally obligated to look out for him but i feel like it should be a moral obligation, especially if you’re a mf who claims to be pro-black
when the average person shows up to work too f***ed up to function, they are fired. wishing that they simply chose not to air this interview isn’t asking for too much imo
Is the interview that bad?
Idk man, it seems like a genuine follow up question
If him being in active addiction causes him to not be able to consent to doing his job, what's the solution for that? He obviously doesn't want to get help at the moment/you cannot help an addict that doesn't want help, should it really be on media companies to refuse his interviews? (and besides his label, for the most part no bc it's none of their business in terms of medical privacy)
That being said, f*** nore for encouraging brothers to get in a vulnerable state of mind, pushing d**** onto his guest in order to get them to open up. MK Ultra s***.
Yes media companies should refuse to interview him if he’s using at that level.
Honestly if he’s using to that level him and those around him should be making sure the number 1 priority is getting clean
Also you asked if him being in an active addiction cause him to not be able to consent to his job, then what’s the solution?
Court ordered rehab, court order recovery programs, court order d*** test, etc.
Pretty much he needs to be forced to get clean.
Meth a godsend if you wanna stay completely focus and doing very long days working
he just needs to be careful excessive dosing on it that aint a good look tweaking like that
ive heard as much
watch the video and you will notice Kodak got the hyper-kinetic movements of someone who took an excessive amount of Amphetamines and body is just moving on it's own at that point.
At one point putting his head on the table he tryna stop it but it aint working out
So wat yall think it was meth or crack he tweaking out on ?
Bro send me your Avi’s instagram or I will call you an npc
Kodak isn’t included but I wonder where the rappers who just reached mainstream success in the past few years will be at in 15+ years
your standards must be extremely low if you think this dude is a legend
Lmao Kodak popped up in 2014 and he had at the very least 1 hit song every single year ever since. He's 100% building himself a legendary resume.
Kodak isn’t included but I wonder where the rappers who just reached mainstream success in the past few years will be at in 15+ years
Only two options…
OP is on a generational speedrun of becoming the worst poster in site history
Is the interview that bad?
It aint said but just look at dj efn’s face, he is clearly alarmed.
There are times i cant even understand what this nigga is saying.
And he randomly gets up mid interview like dmx at breakfast club
he was going off but the "high blood pressure gotta jack your d*** to cool off" bar was understandably giving him some trouble
Efn in consternation lol
Imagine thinking Kodak isn't a legend? His discography is already legendary
Son is on a mission to rap this verse everywhere possible lol. Breakfast Club, Montreality, now Drink Champs. I'm probably missing some others.
It's funny that he was showing signs of tweaking on the Montreality interview too but this verse made some people think he was alright and it's working on some of the comments under this too.
As a fan of the music, I hope someone can get help him get right.
Son is on a mission to rap this verse everywhere possible lol. Breakfast Club, Montreality, now Drink Champs. I'm probably missing some others.
It's funny that he was showing signs of tweaking on the Montreality interview too but this verse made some people think he was alright and it's working on some of the comments under this too.
As a fan of the music, I hope someone can get help him get right.
Aye man ion wanna laugh but that nigga love that verse man lmaooooooooooo
Aye man ion wanna laugh but that nigga love that verse man lmaooooooooooo
Looooll nah why does he keep rapping that verse.
Fire verse though
watch the video and you will notice Kodak got the hyper-kinetic movements of someone who took an excessive amount of Amphetamines and body is just moving on it's own at that point.
At one point putting his head on the table he tryna stop it but it aint working out
So wat yall think it was meth or crack he tweaking out on ?
Op you’re avi is actually you isn’t it
Son is on a mission to rap this verse everywhere possible lol. Breakfast Club, Montreality, now Drink Champs. I'm probably missing some others.
It's funny that he was showing signs of tweaking on the Montreality interview too but this verse made some people think he was alright and it's working on some of the comments under this too.
As a fan of the music, I hope someone can get help him get right.
we got the new "red rolls white ceiling?"