I'm 20 rn thinking bout starting college next year or maybe the year after so in other words ima be either 21-22
I'm more than likely realistically gonna live in the dorms but I just thought about how most likely my roommates gone be teenagers,
now I'm rethinking everything bout mi plan cause that do sound weird
Need some advice to those who started college later in life
not nearly as weird as the mfs who graduated 2 years ago and still won’t leave campus, chilling in the union going to dorm parties
If you are truly there to learn and educate yourself, why should it matter who or particularly how old your supposed roommates are? Obviously you will be subject to socialisation with them, but are you only there to socialise? I would hope not
You being 21 posting in a forum full of kids is weird in itself
old ass boi
nigga wat u older than mi
Honestly yeah it's a little weird from what I've heard, if you can swing it I'd rent or get roommates
The age difference isn't much but you change so much during that period you're going to feel like you're living with children.
Granted it's also personality dependent
nigga wat u older than mi
You might be 20 but you're an idiot still
I promise you nobody gives a f*** about your age until you like 30
You might be 20 but you're an idiot still
I promise you nobody gives a f*** about your age until you like 30
25 is the age where you're still considered young but also respected by other adults imo
What kind of question is this lmao
Man what?