that song ain’t even all that, at least to still discuss 5 years later
It's weird how he deviated from hooks gradually, he'll do something before or after first verse and then abandon all that for either a beat switch or a feature
No but I feel like this is proof anyone can get a hit.
not latto tho rite
It’s good but it’s not GREAT
Laugh now cry later? Guess nothing has been generally massive since
No but I feel like this is proof anyone can get a hit.
Nahh it depends on the time it drops
clean sweep...
rip me out the plastic cuz i been actin brand new
No but I feel like this is proof anyone can get a hit.
Imma be honest, that song made you think Bloccboy JB had next up lmaooo
Imma be honest, that song made you think Bloccboy JB had next up lmaooo