Look below for my ramblings
Singularity - a single point. No dimensions.
1D - basically a line. Think of it as single points repeatedly stacked on top of each other.
2D - we are somewhat familiar with this dimension. It is a plane. A flat surface. If one were to live in this dimension, all you would view are lines.
3D - ofc this is our universe. But something we may not ever think about is: from our perspective everything looks like a plane, but we are highly aware that everything is not flat because we have been immersed in our world forever. If we were to stand still, our view would look like a flat surface, but since we are basically always moving our perspective is constantly changing making us aware of our surroundings 3-dimensional state.
4-D - obviously unimaginable, but maybe if we use some of the patterns we see before this dimension we can make some kind of theory.
There is always a part of each dimension that is uncontrollable.
For the single point it’s pretty much everything.
The 1-dimension is bound to a line. At least it gained movement.
The 2-dimension is free to move as long as it doesn’t leave the surface which is all a 2 dimensional being would know or be able to understand.
The 3rd dimension, I believe our main setback is time. I’m not sure what else we are not controlling, but that’s kinda the point. We may just not be able to fathom what we are not seeing.
Another pattern is that each time you move up a dimension the shape before it just gets stacked on top of itself repeatedly.
Dots on dots = line
Lines on line = plane
Planes on planes = cube
Cubes on cubes = hypercube
But we still have limited knowledge on hypercubes because of our dimensional immersion.
I always thought 4D was the manipulation of space time itself?
I think so…... Which would mean everyone and everything would look like worms I believe. There’s allot of videos on this type of subject and I think that was in one lol
take DMT and you will find out this is all a simulation we made for ourselves
I’m a simulation theory believer ✋
I’m a simulation theory believer ✋
i dont believe in like the computer simulation stuff. More like we're all god and we made a reality where we could experience limits and rules because we were bored of living in infinity and without limits. Basically like what hinduism says which is also the oldest religion :elon:
i dont believe in like the computer simulation stuff. More like we're all god and we made a reality where we could experience limits and rules because we were bored of living in infinity and without limits. Basically like what hinduism says which is also the oldest religion :elon:
I like this
You watch flatland while tripping ?
Nah but I have kept hearing about it in some of these videos
no its just part of the fractal
no its just part of the fractal
I been thinking about this too.
What if s*** just gets infinitely smaller and infinitely bigger and we’re just in between
Like maybe there’s a world living inside a quark or maybe our universe is the equivalent of a quark inside of another universe
No one ITT even read op or watched video
If I read this and watch video it will make going back to work very difficult
I been thinking about this too.
What if s*** just gets infinitely smaller and infinitely bigger and we’re just in between
Like maybe there’s a world living inside a quark or maybe our universe is the equivalent of a quark inside of another universe
my local planetarium does a monthly fractal show. you can imagine how immersive that might be with such a screen
naturally I went to one on 200ug
and naturally I forgot I was a human and simply existed within the fractals it was unbelievable
but yeh I think fractals could be it, who's to say things don't get infinitely small and large?
If I read this and watch video it will make going back to work very difficult
difficult very work to back going make will it vide watch and this read i If?
difficult very work to back going make will it vide watch and this read i If?
i dont believe in like the computer simulation stuff. More like we're all god and we made a reality where we could experience limits and rules because we were bored of living in infinity and without limits. Basically like what hinduism says which is also the oldest religion :elon:
Well, Jews/Christians/Muslims claim all their religions started with Adam, when the planet Earth was first created.
Hinduism is the oldest polytheistic religion, but many claim that it was actually descended from a more ANCIENT religion of the Indus Valley civilization (modern day India-Pakistan). I forgot it’s name though… I’ll have to look it up.