Except Red was the vastly superior version because Blastoise is mad p****
That’s crazy cuz Charizard has more weaknesses than Blastoise
That’s crazy cuz Charizard has more weaknesses than Blastoise
And yet still iconic regardless and puts the paws on most if not all the Pokemon it should be weak to in the anime
And yet still iconic regardless and puts the paws on most if not all the Pokemon it should be weak to in the anime
“In the anime”
They shoulda had a 3rd smash with this
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMy_Yacl9NU&pp=ygUVa2FueWUgd2VzdCBpbXBvc3NpYmxlYE snapped on this!
Charizard whooping that p**** ass nigga Blastoise's ass
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgnObXTAjZUpokémon anime logic…
They shoulda had a 3rd smash with this
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMy_Yacl9NU&pp=ygUVa2FueWUgd2VzdCBpbXBvc3NpYmxlSwear there was a point a few years ago where this song was nowhere on YouTube. I searched so many times but could never find it