people talk about the product those same rappers put out in their songs
don't be mad at folks
Its not like im doing Fed research. Im literally just quoting lyrics from his song
You seem really naive, are you new to hip hop or are you just trolling?
If you’re new, you should do a bit of research.. and this isn’t the place to do it.
I've been listening to hip hop since I was a young child
I just never looked into the connections artists have to gangs or any gang related info because its not interesting to me and probably should not be used as entertainment
Probably why I have no idea and sound dumb with this topic
Like the poster said above you. It seems pretty silly Carti went this route when he was not that type of rapper in the beginning.
Like homie said, that would be like if Rocky and UZI started repping gangs.
And those two are from actual hoods. Carti from the suburbs.
You don’t know that Man IRL. You don’t know Carti’s childhood so stop speaking like you read his autobiography. Also he been rapping blood s*** since he started, bloods dont just exist in the Hood. You can be from an okay area and still choose up because those are your friends and they care about you.
I could explain more but I already feel lame as hell writing this s*** online.
he pays them to be able to rep them. he hasnt done any gang s*** as far as I know
like you know?
WLR is carti flirting with Blood s*** and Vamp s*** obviously so pretending @idkICantPick is dumb for not making that connection in the title is wrong
I've been listening to hip hop since I was a young child
I just never looked into the connections artists have to gangs or any gang related info because its not interesting to me and probably should not be used as entertainment
Probably why I have no idea and sound dumb with this topic
Gang culture has been apart of hip hop pretty much since it’s inception. It just wasn’t as prevalent as it is now.
People use far worse things for entertainment. If it’s apart of who you are, who are you to tell someone what should and shouldn’t be included in their music?
I’m not even being a d*** either, just simply posing the question.
Gang culture has been apart of hip hop pretty much since it’s inception. It just wasn’t as prevalent as it is now.
People use far worse things for entertainment. If it’s apart of who you are, who are you to tell someone what should and shouldn’t be included in their music?
I’m not even being a d*** either, just simply posing the question.
They can include what they want in their music what oh gosh that's not what I meant
I meant I (someone who has no connection to gangs has never been around gangs and doesn't know anything about them for those reasons) probably shouldn't start searching up gang info in their free time to entertain myself
this thread is literally lite version of r/chiraqology
Once again im changing the meta of thread making on here
They can include what they want in their music what oh gosh that's not what I meant
I meant I (someone who has no connection to gangs has never been around gangs and doesn't know anything about them for those reasons) probably shouldn't start searching up gang info in their free time to entertain myself
I actually commend you for that, you’re a LOT better than a lot of these f***ing weirdos on the internet.
And maybe I misunderstood you when you said it shouldn’t be used for entertainment, I thought you were referring to the actual artist and not entertainment for yourself.
wlr was literally about gang violence. Beno! is a real life shooter. his brother really died. Homixide is not just an ad-lib it's a gang. I would definitely think he is
smoking onna henchman got a nigga fried
I’ve often wondered why so many white people loved Carti as much as they do
they think this nigga really role playing as a vampire and that’s hilarious
Cant lie all of this information lowkey make WLR even go harder
I thought he was just on some rockstar vampire s***. But when you add in the gang subtext.....sheeeeesh
Cant lie all of this information lowkey make WLR even go harder
I thought he was just on some rockstar vampire s***. But when you add in the gang subtext.....sheeeeesh
Cant lie all of this information lowkey make WLR even go harder
I thought he was just on some rockstar vampire s***. But when you add in the gang subtext.....sheeeeesh
See folks? This is why. This s*** will sadly never stop being profitable
See folks? This is why. This s*** will sadly never stop being profitable
Note how I was a fan of it before I even knew of its gang elements.
That right there is proof it wasnt needed at all. But hey if he likes it I love it
people talk about the product those same rappers put out in their songs
don't be mad at folks
Nothin to be mad about just calling out the corniness and oddity of people who never been to these cities and areas tryna speculate about what's going on
@idkICantPick said it sound weird coming from Carti like he know him personally. It's one thing to be a fan, but yall don't know these people lol.