drop your top 3 prince albums for someone who has only given a handful of albums a cursory listen and really needs to dive in more
Tbh the only greatest artist of all time imo is Stevie Wonder. You can argue withcha Mom if you disagree
no because his discography is dogshit
nigga has 39 albums. he saturated himself to death.
my cousin and I would argue this all the time but he's a d*** rider.
drop your top 3 prince albums for someone who has only given a handful of albums a cursory listen and really needs to dive in more
sign o the times
drop your top 3 prince albums for someone who has only given a handful of albums a cursory listen and really needs to dive in more
just start from his first and go up 4rm there tbh
drop your top 3 prince albums for someone who has only given a handful of albums a cursory listen and really needs to dive in more
Sign O' The Times
Around the World in a Day
drop your top 3 prince albums for someone who has only given a handful of albums a cursory listen and really needs to dive in more
purple rain
sign o the times
dirty mind/1999
drop your top 3 prince albums for someone who has only given a handful of albums a cursory listen and really needs to dive in more
Purple Rain
Dirty Mind