The FBI starting planting rumors that Feds were behind the capitol attacks to get conservatives to turn on their own and wash away any radical threat of a right wing lunatic takeover
Now you have magahats on X pointing fingers at each other and denying they had any responsibility for the attacks. People like Tucker Carlson saying release the hidden footage! It was all informants!
Any cool points conservatives had for actually overthrowing big Gov they got and they are pissing it all away
So the Feds rigged their own election, and then staged a riot to disrupt the peaceful order of transfer after the supposed rigged election had already taken place in favor of the guy who was supposedly rigging it
@op call ur mom, tell her u love her
Conservatives in the US especially have the very bad habit of chalking up all their failures to outside interference and not any lack of any real substance in their politics
So the Feds rigged their own election, and then staged a riot to disrupt the peaceful order of transfer after the supposed rigged election had already taken place in favor of the guy who was supposedly rigging it
Well I mean...Bush did do 9/11. Jan 6th is light work in comparison
thinking that a bunch of inbred jackaloons could just storm one of the most heavily guarded buildings in the US without some sort of help is comical
MAGA was an intelligence experiment on the American masses to create a populist leader that can be used as a template for further covert right wing coups in the interest of US empire
One of the ANTIFA supersoldiers assassinated JFK and helped to stage the coup at the same time. Crazy how democracy works.