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  • Dec 4, 2019
    Durag Jesus

    these people really behave like hebrews too

    all about maths and s***

    and try to hide all the grooming s*** behind doors

  • Dec 4, 2019

    Twitter so early that these teens are probably adults now

  • sense 🍀
    Dec 4, 2019
    3 replies
    First Take

    he literally follows the whole family and the newman's are a celebrity basketball family ...

    but i know we'll see this tweet with : dash : spammed for the next 25 pages

  • Dec 4, 2019
    1 reply
    First Take

    Why is there grown men in her DMs in the first place

    Yea but before social media I never heard a kid brag about how many pedophiles they attract. What is this world coming to by golly

  • Dec 4, 2019
    2 replies

    1. Not one of these “victims” has corroborated the story you’re telling here

    2. You with Adonis and Drake daily? Let me see how you know if he doesn’t raise him lol

    Weirdo behavior

    You have a very weird view on what constitutes as "weirdo behavior"...

  • Dec 4, 2019
    Ayo dosunmu fanact

    Yea but before social media I never heard a kid brag about how many pedophiles they attract. What is this world coming to by golly

    “Might seduce your dad type” Billie was talking to Adonis smh

  • Dec 4, 2019
    1 reply
    First Take

    When will it stop

    he cant keep getting away with this!

  • Dec 4, 2019
    1 reply

    Y’all sexualizing this too?
    Y’all are weird bruh

    Are you sure drake’s not the weirdo? Sexualizing is a strong word, on its own this would be nothing but when you have all of this piling up it’s getting concerning. This guy interacts with a lot of young girls

  • sense 🍀
    Dec 4, 2019
    Durag Jesus

    he cant keep getting away with this!

  • Dec 4, 2019

    I hate talking about this still because the people who are even entertaining this are ridiculous, but I'll make a clear statement once again.

    If you are putting any legitimate weight into any of these allegations which are based on THE #1 ARTIST IN THE WORLD doing outreach to other celebrities based on the evidence shown thus far, you're reaching. The fact that people are even comparing this to R. Kelly is just on some hating s*** that has nothing do with his personality or music. I get wanting to see the big guy fall down and there's nothing inherently wrong with that, but putting claims of pedophilia onto someone with ZERO empirical evidence is just f***ed. Despite this being said, i'm not defending Drake or anyone who thinks it is okay to try and manipulate girls are at an age of 15-18 because there is a lot of change that can go on within that timeframe and they can become very impressionable and vulnerable type s***. I don't think anything that has come out so far would lead me to believe that Drake has tried to do something of that sort.

  • Quadra proves more and more with each post that Drake stanning is a mental illness.

  • Dec 4, 2019
    1 reply
    Smacked Voodoo

    You have a very weird view on what constitutes as "weirdo behavior"...

    You’re talking about another man’s kid

  • Dec 4, 2019
    1 reply

    Alleged pedophile Drake follows 15 year old girl on Instagram while she brags about having a grown man in her DMs

  • Dec 4, 2019
    3 replies

    yall got like 12039182312 threads last few weeks bout this

  • Dec 4, 2019
    First Take

    Alleged pedophile Drake follows 15 year old girl on Instagram while she brags about having a grown man in her DMs

    Only drake stans find this normal

  • Dec 4, 2019

    yall got like 12039182312 threads last few weeks bout this

    They keep getting locked

  • Dec 4, 2019
    First Take

    Lmao s*** don’t stop

  • Dec 4, 2019
    1 reply

    You’re talking about another man’s kid

    Really scrapping the bottom of the barrel.

  • Dec 4, 2019

    yall got like 12039182312 threads last few weeks bout this

    And mods locked!

  • Dec 4, 2019

    yall got like 12039182312 threads last few weeks bout this

    12039182312 more to come

  • Dec 4, 2019
    Smacked Voodoo

    Really scrapping the bottom of the barrel.

    Scrapping at the bottom of the barrel

  • sense 🍀
    Dec 4, 2019

    this really the only thread with a pulse on the site

  • Dec 4, 2019

    he literally follows the whole family and the newman's are a celebrity basketball family ...

    but i know we'll see this tweet with : dash : spammed for the next 25 pages

  • Dec 4, 2019

    1. Not one of these “victims” has corroborated the story you’re telling here

    2. You with Adonis and Drake daily? Let me see how you know if he doesn’t raise him lol

    Weirdo behavior

    Millie said he texted her “I miss you so much”. Not weirdo behavior?

  • Dec 4, 2019
    1 reply
    Smacked Voodoo

    You have a very weird view on what constitutes as "weirdo behavior"...

    It’s on all 37 pages of this thread

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