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  • Dec 5, 2019
    3 replies

  • Dec 5, 2019
    1 reply
    Uber Shooter

    Billie ellish is a millionaire. She made some decent decisions. Drake was a local celebrity. Maybe making good decisions at a young age is something they have in common. I see why you’re not in their group texts

    2 people out of how many tens of millions of 18 yr olds out there? and even then u could argue they were pushed by their parents and agents and not by their own choice

  • Dec 5, 2019
    Mmm Hmm

    NLC the type of parent to have their daughter twerking at age 3 and not caring.

    NLC the type of parent to be encouraging his 14 year old daughter to make sexual tik toks so he can chase the bag

  • Dec 5, 2019
    1 reply

    These dudes really won't care if their daughters get raped. WTF

  • Dec 5, 2019
    1 reply
    Mmm Hmm

    Imagine not caring who your daughter is dating

    Big difference between caring and policing.

    I'm not going to tell her she can't date someone because they're x years older than her. That doesn't have anything to do with s***.

    And you'll learn quick that spending so much time telling your daughter stay away from old guys will end up with her bringing someones grampa to dinner just to spite you

  • Dec 5, 2019
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    A grown man kissing a minor is sick brah. Why you going so hard? I like Drake a lot, I think everyone here knows that, but I’m not going to pretend like this isn’t weird. If that makes me a loser, whatever my dude.

    If it’s so weird, why don’t u even kno this girls name? Could it be it’s only a big deal to u and a couple of other losers pulling up footage that will again be forgotten by next week?

  • Mmm Hmm 😆
    Dec 5, 2019

    Uber Shooter and NiceLikeChrist

    Perfect post tbh.

    "Who cares what my daughter is doing"

  • Dec 5, 2019


  • Dec 5, 2019


  • Dec 5, 2019
    4 replies

    They still never gave me a good reason either.

  • Dec 5, 2019
    1 reply

    what is happening in this thread now

  • Dec 5, 2019

    what is happening in this thread now

    pedos coming out the woodwork

  • Dec 5, 2019

    Y’all mad at each other now not drake lol

  • Dec 5, 2019
    Americana 2

    2 people out of how many tens of millions of 18 yr olds out there? and even then u could argue they were pushed by their parents and agents and not by their own choice

    Lot of other kids pushed by their parents. They’re still not drake or billie no matter which way u slice it. Those two ppl are special and have things in common because they did things most ppl don’t do.

  • Dec 5, 2019

    They still never gave me a good reason either.


  • Dec 5, 2019

    It's gaining traction but s*** hasn't hit the fan yet. I don't think there's gonna be a 'Surviving Champagnepapi' anytime soon

  • Dec 5, 2019
    1 reply

    They still never gave me a good reason either.

    Then what's a good reason for this to be legal?

  • Dec 5, 2019
    1 reply

    Should ban you for worrying so much about other grown ass people.

    If two grown people want to f*** each other who cares?! I don't understand ya'll

  • Mmm Hmm 😆
    Dec 5, 2019
    2 replies

    Big difference between caring and policing.

    I'm not going to tell her she can't date someone because they're x years older than her. That doesn't have anything to do with s***.

    And you'll learn quick that spending so much time telling your daughter stay away from old guys will end up with her bringing someones grampa to dinner just to spite you

    NLC please.

    If your 19yrold daughter said

    "Hey dad lemme introduce you to my boyfriend hes Bob and hes 43 years old."

    You really gon say you wouldnt care?

  • Dec 5, 2019
    1 reply

    Uber Shooter and NiceLikeChrist

    I’m in your head rent free, so who really suckin d***?

  • Dec 5, 2019
    2 replies

    NLC don't care about age differences in relationships for his daughter because he gonna be the one dating her

  • Dec 5, 2019
    1 reply

    Then what's a good reason for this to be legal?

    Because its just sex. Who cares? It's no different than f***ing anybody else. It's just physical pleasure.

    They shouldn't have children but who cares if they just f***ing

  • Dec 5, 2019
    1 reply
    Uber Shooter

    I’m in your head rent free, so who really suckin d***?

    Yes, you are living rent free, because you think its cool to not be concern about your daughters

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