  • Feb 8, 2021
    2 replies

    Lowkey I don't think it'll be topped

    I think someone will but the fact that it’s been almost 20 years shows how hard it is

    Only person with an equivalent album is Adele with 21 tbh

    Drakes gotten semi close - if views was universally acclaimed and deemed a classic maybe

  • Feb 8, 2021

    He’s reached icon status but not legend status yet

  • Feb 8, 2021

  • Feb 8, 2021
    1 reply
    Not Like Josuke

    Deadass, why do niggas call him Abel

    Finna start calling Future Nayvadius

    Why would you do that? It’s a lot easier to say Future than Nayvadius in conversation. Just like it’s easier to say Abel than The Weeknd

  • Feb 8, 2021
    Not Like Josuke

    Deadass, why do niggas call him Abel

    Finna start calling Future Nayvadius

    i always call him the weeknd but ngl it sounds off but i still do it

  • F*** Bruno Mars

  • Feb 8, 2021
    3 replies

    I think Weeknd has multiple projects better than Bruno’s best

    I like trilogy more than confessions but prolly not

    I’m definitely taking trilogy over CB self titled though especially given how influential it’s been

    What you or I like/dislike doesn't really matter when those albums are certified rnb classics 10+ years after the fact and have become a reference for future generations
    Chris and usher are amazing performers as well (dance skills on point)

    Bruno mars performing is a standard in and of itself and his ability to craft hits for himself and others +crossover appeal isn't something to gloss over either

    For the weeknd, it's too early to tell imo of he has reached their level before talking about if he surpassed them

    Maybe he's not that type of rnb performer either hence the numerous frank comparisons maybe... Idk

  • Not Like Josuke

    Deadass, why do niggas call him Abel

    Finna start calling Future Nayvadius

    Easier tbh

  • Feb 8, 2021

    Why would you do that? It’s a lot easier to say Future than Nayvadius in conversation. Just like it’s easier to say Abel than The Weeknd

    he hates his f***ing name

  • Feb 8, 2021

    The Weeknd sounds like a group name

    No kizzy

    Abel just sounds better

  • Feb 8, 2021

    not many and he's not one of them. don't get me wrong, i love his music, but he doesn't have the star presence or impact of the aforementioned

    Star presence no but that’s because he’s really just a singer, and he mainly focuses on performance art to supplement the music

    In terms of impact I’d say yeah dude was lw responsible for defibrillating rnb and even then he just kept doing his own s***

  • Feb 8, 2021

    prince had the number 1 movie in america over ghostbusters, let that sink in

  • Feb 8, 2021

    I think someone will but the fact that it’s been almost 20 years shows how hard it is

    Only person with an equivalent album is Adele with 21 tbh

    Drakes gotten semi close - if views was universally acclaimed and deemed a classic maybe

    Views is meh and 21 is decent, though it doesn't seem to be as relevant in the discussion of R&B albums

  • Feb 8, 2021

    When The Weeknd made Tell Your Friends he didn’t mean Tell Your Friends My Name is Abel

  • safe

    People might s*** on me for this but Chris Brown had like 3 years tops of being at that level

    People just overrate it because he was an incredibly good performer as well

    But he’s been incredibly mediocre for almost a decade now idk how you can put him discography wise near the same level as The Weeknd

    I'd say it was longer than that. His run from debut to the Rihanna incident was his first run and his 2nd run was from 2010-2014. F.A.M.E is an undeniable classic and X is very good. But even after that, while his next couple of albums were hit and misses, he has continued to be one of the most successful artists. One of the very few R&B artists who is able to sell a lot of singles and albums. All that while being 15 years into his career and 'cancelled'

  • Feb 8, 2021
    1 reply

    nigga that album came out a little less than 2 years ago, tf???

    also abel's influence on music is very prominent, we are just far too close to the source of exposure to full fathom it in the long term... does an artist need to admit their influence for you to understand it or can you read between the lines

    also abel's influence on music is very prominent, we are just far too close to the source of exposure to full fathom it in the long term

    Expand on this please.

  • Feb 8, 2021
    3 replies

    The people saying he’s a legend but he’s no where near the level of actual legends makes absolutely no sense

  • Feb 8, 2021
    2 replies

    T.I. would've had a better halftime performance tbh.

  • Feb 8, 2021
    1 reply

    The people saying he’s a legend but he’s no where near the level of actual legends makes absolutely no sense

    He’s only not a legend if you’re comparing him to past legends. Why are you doing that?

  • Abel really did have an incredible impact on r&b in fairness though.

  • Feb 8, 2021
    1 reply

    I think someone will but the fact that it’s been almost 20 years shows how hard it is

    Only person with an equivalent album is Adele with 21 tbh

    Drakes gotten semi close - if views was universally acclaimed and deemed a classic maybe

    MBDTF is up there as well considering it sold 450k with the circumstances

  • Feb 8, 2021

    Abel destroys all 3 music wise not performance

    I really don't think so but okay

  • Feb 8, 2021

    T.I. would've had a better halftime performance tbh.


  • Feb 8, 2021

    What you or I like/dislike doesn't really matter when those albums are certified rnb classics 10+ years after the fact and have become a reference for future generations
    Chris and usher are amazing performers as well (dance skills on point)

    Bruno mars performing is a standard in and of itself and his ability to craft hits for himself and others +crossover appeal isn't something to gloss over either

    For the weeknd, it's too early to tell imo of he has reached their level before talking about if he surpassed them

    Maybe he's not that type of rnb performer either hence the numerous frank comparisons maybe... Idk


    But yea I think we tend to hold Weeknd to a view of being an all round entertainer which he’s getting better at being but he’s still primarily a studio artist

    Might just be me but I think he’s notably ahead of Bruno and Chris in terms of studio discography
