  • Like something where: I can compile things I wanna listen to easily, rate songs or albums, track music I've listened to, look at user generated lists and friends watchlist

  • Jan 29

    Musicboard? (Only has streaming releases)

  • rvi 🐸
    Jan 29
    1 reply

    Rateyourmusic database/custom chart feature is amazing. but it doesnt have the social media aspect of Letterboxd as much if thats what you want

    having some of the reviews actually be substantive and useful instead of just quippy one liners like Leterboxd

  • Musicboard is really good.

  • Feb 1
    1 reply

    Rateyourmusic database/custom chart feature is amazing. but it doesnt have the social media aspect of Letterboxd as much if thats what you want

    having some of the reviews actually be substantive and useful instead of just quippy one liners like Leterboxd

    You can have both

    It's annoying when people feel like if they cant write a well thought out essay then they should leave nothing (like you do)

  • albumoftheyear ?

  • rvi 🐸
    Feb 1
    1 reply

    You can have both

    It's annoying when people feel like if they cant write a well thought out essay then they should leave nothing (like you do)

    yeah letterboxd does still have some good ones but overall review quality in my experience is much higher on RYM where one liners or jokes arent allowed as reviews, only comments

  • AOTY is pretty much this

  • rvi

    yeah letterboxd does still have some good ones but overall review quality in my experience is much higher on RYM where one liners or jokes arent allowed as reviews, only comments

    You wrote another blurb

    Yeah I'm often just leaving a comment to remind my future self years from now what I thought

  • crakc 💤
    Feb 2 is what you’re looking for for the tracking/stats