  • Oct 19, 2023

    first apollo now this??

    in retrospect, third-party apps were gonna end as long as reddit refused to release the chat API stuff to devs

    they were already on cold feet but the fee raises were just them going all in

  • Oct 19, 2023
    1 reply
    el conquistador

    How about google stop siphoning from us to pay their creators? There is no way Premium is worth its cost. It is pretty expensive….for some f***ing YouTube videos.

    YouTube probably isn’t even profitable

    Google has been losing money on it for years and now everyone is mad they’re trying to cut costs and make a profit

  • Oct 19, 2023
    1 reply
    lil neon

    YouTube probably isn’t even profitable

    Google has been losing money on it for years and now everyone is mad they’re trying to cut costs and make a profit

    my point is that the current solutions these billion dollar companies that significantly control our society are: 1) blast users with ads or 2) charge them an expensive sub fee.

    can they not develop something better?

  • Oct 19, 2023

    YouTube premium is 100% wourth it

  • Oct 19, 2023
    el conquistador

    my point is that the current solutions these billion dollar companies that significantly control our society are: 1) blast users with ads or 2) charge them an expensive sub fee.

    can they not develop something better?

    not yet, there is only one issue with the costs, bandwidth

    video compression has to advance massively

    meta makes money on social media ads cause they have mostly image and text based content

    youtube has to buy insane amounts of bandwidth all over the world to provide video

    why do you think there isn’t another youtube competitor? cause it’s a bad business that can’t turn a profit

    Google hides the costs by showing it as server costs for Google and then hides profits in Ad revenue

    Google makes so much on ads on website content that they’ve been probably just eating the L to keep YouTube growing

    when video compression gets advanced enough this won’t be a problem, Nvidia is working on AI based compression something like that could be the solution

    TikTok also might not make money either, it isn’t clear because these companies hide these number

  • Oct 19, 2023
    el conquistador

    Times are different. God forbid I want to watch internet videos without advertisements or paying a subscription.

    Normalizing everything to either have ads or a price to entry on the internet is ridiculous. I hope we never fully succumb to it.

    Doesn’t make sense. Where do you think free stuff is coming from ?

  • Oct 19, 2023
    1 reply

    Y’all are so broke

  • Oct 19, 2023
    1 reply

    Im being facetious but the point still stands

    No it doesn’t lmao

  • proper 🔩
    Oct 19, 2023
    rich scouser

    If you use YouTube a lot y'all should be support it. How you expect creators to get paid fairly for their content otherwise.

    this. the only reason i chose youtube premium/music for my streaming sub is because i been using youtube to stream music/music videos way before apple music and spotify were even a thing. literally my most used app. 13$ a month is nothing. if you can’t afford that you shouldn’t even be on ktt go get some money instead.

  • proper 🔩
    Oct 19, 2023
    4 replies
    el conquistador

    How about google stop siphoning from us to pay their creators? There is no way Premium is worth its cost. It is pretty expensive….for some f***ing YouTube videos.

    it’s 13$ you guys sound broke af in this thread ngl

  • Oct 19, 2023

    Watch YouTube on safari. When you get an ad jsut refresh and the ad should go away. As long as you’re in the video, ads won’t appear

  • proper 🔩
    Oct 19, 2023
    1 reply

    background listening feature is the best part but price is hefty unless u got discount

    can’t justify paying for AM/spotify and this at the same time

    youtube premium comes w youtube music which has a much bigger music library than spotify and apple music you wouldn’t need apple/spotify w youtube premium

  • Oct 19, 2023

    No it doesn’t lmao

    yes. it does

  • Oct 19, 2023
    goodkid mAAdposter

    Pay money you cheap a******

    yeah i am cheap f*** you hahahhah

  • Oct 19, 2023
    1 reply

    Y’all are so broke

    im actually not, but how the f*** you think I got this way? yeah by being cheap

  • Oct 19, 2023

    it’s 13$ you guys sound broke af in this thread ngl

    who cares if its ONE dollar? i aint paying for that s***! Im spending it on some ass!

  • Oct 19, 2023
    1 reply

    I just got home from a job interview. Got accepted and its a huge upgrade from the job I got now

    and guess what....? I STILL AINT PAYING FOR THIS S***

  • Oct 19, 2023
    1 reply

    background listening feature is the best part but price is hefty unless u got discount

    can’t justify paying for AM/spotify and this at the same time

    Yea I wish YouTube music was a lot better im using it right now because i share YouTube premium with my friend. It's great for being able to listen to stuff that not on streaming (freestyles etc) and watch music video when you want but along way behind other music streamers in general

  • Oct 19, 2023

    i dont even pay for s*** these days man I just stack bread and steal s***

  • proper 🔩
    Oct 19, 2023
    rich scouser

    Yea I wish YouTube music was a lot better im using it right now because i share YouTube premium with my friend. It's great for being able to listen to stuff that not on streaming (freestyles etc) and watch music video when you want but along way behind other music streamers in general

    i guess if you need curated playlists and little radio shows and s*** like that then yea youtube music kinda lacking

    but i know how to find new music on my own and don’t need playlists and radios and recs from a streaming app so never really been an issue

  • Oct 19, 2023
    1 reply

    it’s 13$ you guys sound broke af in this thread ngl

    thought it was $20 getting this s*** rn the ads are crazy on apple tv

  • Oct 19, 2023

    the only way im ever paying for anything is if i cant already get it for free

  • proper 🔩
    Oct 19, 2023
    1 reply

    thought it was $20 getting this s*** rn the ads are crazy on apple tv

    if you do wanna sub make sure you do it directly through the youtube website and it will be 13$

    if you pay using apple subs then it costs 19$.

  • Oct 19, 2023

    if you do wanna sub make sure you do it directly through the youtube website and it will be 13$

    if you pay using apple subs then it costs 19$.

    yeah i had no idea. got a free trial too

  • proper 🔩
    Oct 19, 2023
    1 reply

    I just got home from a job interview. Got accepted and its a huge upgrade from the job I got now

    and guess what....? I STILL AINT PAYING FOR THIS S***

    u should celebrate by buying a youtube premium subscription