  • Feb 4, 2023

    Reminds me of the time we had an Afrikaans project in high school. My friend just pasted that s*** into Google Translate and gave it in without reading it. In Afrikaans the article "a" is replaced with " 'n " but Google Translate didn't replace them so our teacher immediately knew what he did and failed him

  • Feb 4, 2023
    1 reply

    no i got caught cheating last year. Professor let me retake the class and didnt report me to the school

    How did you cheat and how did you get caught?

    Ngl, a close call like that would dissuade me from cheating ever again You got lucky before, it might not happen again

  • OP
    Feb 4, 2023
    BlueChew Sean

    How did you cheat and how did you get caught?

    Ngl, a close call like that would dissuade me from cheating ever again You got lucky before, it might not happen again

    i downloaded someone's work from coursehero and turned it in. The professor found out because it used numbers that were from the prior year and not the year I was in.

  • Feb 4, 2023
    1 reply

    alrigth guys im doing it legit!

    I did it last week, haven’t got a grade yet so idk if it works

  • OP
    Feb 4, 2023
    1 reply

    I did it last week, haven’t got a grade yet so idk if it works

    maybe ur teacher just takes a long time grading

  • Feb 4, 2023

    What's the point of school if you're cheating

  • Feb 4, 2023

    I used a different AI last semester for a paper and got an A-. Just changed some sentences to where it sounded like a human wrote it and messed with the structure

  • Feb 4, 2023

    maybe ur teacher just takes a long time grading

    It’s some old Eastern European woman so doubt she gonna catch me

  • BVL

    I have a discussion board to do on Canvas and I dont want to watch an hour video and read a 9 page article.

    I just posted the discussion prompt into chatgpt and dude this s*** is OP. Will I get f***ed???

    I already got caught cheating once

    You got caught? Did you literally copy/paste the assignment?

    Most teachers have too many things to grade so if you got caught I feel like you really brought it on yourself

  • Feb 4, 2023
    1 reply

    Oh this is BVL? Yeah

  • blonded

    if you're paying for college and you're cheating you're a r*etard and deserve to get caught

  • Feb 4, 2023

    Don’t you get an F streak or legit kicked out because of this ?

  • blonded

    if you're paying for college and you're cheating you're a r*etard and deserve to get caught


  • PARTY Gets Me Wetr

    Oh this is BVL? Yeah

  • Feb 4, 2023

    if you're paying for college and you're cheating you're a r*etard and deserve to get caught
