  • Updated Jul 19

    Do y'all feel that games these days have too much dialogue and cutsscenes?

    It's been a massive complaint for gamers that have hate for this kind of stuff and especially how they've been utilized. Most Notably, Uncharted, TLOU, and the modern Tomb Raiders are criticized by a section of the community for having stuff like this. Some feels like it's an annoyance and that it takes out the immersion. Others feels they would rather it be nonexistent This has caused some to suspect that that there is low quality with narrative writing in the video game department

    Regardless, do you feel that it's a concern or are people overreacting. If so, what are good examples of games you feel that have amazing dialogue and dope writing?

  • Jul 18
    3 replies

    less talk more kill kill kill kill
    skip every cutscene
    never touched a sidequest
    must kill
    must win

    ā€” my friends who game

  • Jul 18
    Ā· edited

    less talk more kill kill kill kill
    skip every cutscene
    never touched a sidequest
    must kill
    must win

    ā€” my friends who game


  • Jul 18
    4 replies

    yes and this is why i enjoy the critical work of electric underground. he values gameplay density over anything else. my go to gaming channel basically

  • Jul 18
    1 reply

    i only feel that way when the game sucks d*** and has bad writing or pacing

  • Jul 18
    1 reply

    Games are 400 hours long

  • Jul 18
    1 reply

    yes and this is why i enjoy the critical work of electric underground. he values gameplay density over anything else. my go to gaming channel basically


    Imma check him out

  • Jul 18

    In my opinion, the quality of the writing is the biggest problem, as opposed to the quantity of it. (I guess you could argue having too much pointless dialogue is bad writing though, but a dialogue heavy game could work) Old games used to have terrible graphics, limited space, so stories and gameplay were really all developers had at their disposal. Nowadays games are created as these shiny, graphically impressive (to some people, not me personally) toys at the expense of gameplay and writing. Games need to be made with the same care that novels are written. I think itā€™s why games like the Witcher stand out so much. Games having the lore being discovered as you go through like bioshock, elder scrolls, souls games. Is great too.

    Also honorable mention but falloutā€™s writing is excellent because it ties into the pacing of the game so well. Just when your bummed from the grey world, someone says something funny. Just when the funny stuff gets boring, something actually interesting happens, just when dialogues gets boring its time to get back out there. Probably the best gameplay loop of any game Ive ever played is 3d fallout games.

    I still enjoy starfield, but altering this gameplay loop is a big reason why it wasnt as well received. Itā€™s a good example of mediocre dialogue held back by bad gameplay loop pacing.

    How the dialogue works in context of the gameplay loop is almost as important as the quality of writing.

  • Jul 18
    1 reply

    Imma check him out

    his stuff definitely doesn't disappoint at least for me, speaks to a lot of the issues i have with modern gaming+ bro's got goated taste

  • Jul 18
    1 reply

    his stuff definitely doesn't disappoint at least for me, speaks to a lot of the issues i have with modern gaming+ bro's got goated taste

    Might come in handy to incorporate ideas for the games I want to make

  • Aquilla

    Might come in handy to incorporate ideas for the games I want to make

    yes 100% bro talks a lot about game design and often speaks to developers for his podcasts/longform reviews. i consider it invaluable for aspiring devs

  • Jul 18


  • Jul 19
    2 replies
    Block Muteson

    Games are 400 hours long

    That's one of the worst things that I hate about it now. Plus, with the inclusion of AI, it might be even more crazy and tedious than before

  • Jul 19
    1 reply

    yes and this is why i enjoy the critical work of electric underground. he values gameplay density over anything else. my go to gaming channel basically


    Overexaggerated title lol, but I'll check it out later.

  • Jul 19
    1 reply

    That's one of the worst things that I hate about it now. Plus, with the inclusion of AI, it might be even more crazy and tedious than before

    Y'all know you guys don't have to 100% right?

    Final Fantasy are classic games that have been 60+ hours long all the way back to 2005

  • Aquilla

    That's one of the worst things that I hate about it now. Plus, with the inclusion of AI, it might be even more crazy and tedious than before

    Don't worry cause all the most popular and profitable games are endless multiplayer things

  • Jul 19

    Y'all know you guys don't have to 100% right?

    Final Fantasy are classic games that have been 60+ hours long all the way back to 2005

    True but the OG Final Fantasy games weren't endless tho.

  • Jul 19

    Overexaggerated title lol, but I'll check it out later.

    i mean itā€™s really not exaggerated at all but ok. when you watch the video youā€™ll see what he means because he's not wrong lol

  • F*** yes. After a while iā€™m just like goddamn man is all this dialogue necessary?

  • Hakiman Nayuta

    i only feel that way when the game sucks d*** and has bad writing or pacing

  • If the dialogue is good I donā€™t care how much there is as long as the gameplay is good too

  • Jul 19
    2 replies

    depends on the game, if im playing something like alan wake 2 give me all the dialogue in the world go for it i love that stuff

    but i played neon white recently and the real speed run in that game is how quickly i can skip the hours of anime dialogue that game did not need a story

  • dialogue sucks just try to click it away as fast as possible

  • Jul 20

    depends on the game, if im playing something like alan wake 2 give me all the dialogue in the world go for it i love that stuff

    but i played neon white recently and the real speed run in that game is how quickly i can skip the hours of anime dialogue that game did not need a story

    I agree. I think dialogue should serve its purpose and not jammed in everytime imo

  • I'll take it over all the f***ing dialogue boxes.