This what I'm talking bout, I need all them West Coast ogs to gas this up
Or that crowning s*** was for nothing
@sab is the GOAT for muting iThroatGOAT, I don't wanna hear anyone say anything else
Welcome back brother! Your KTT friends have kept your seat warmed but never lost track of your vibrant memory while you were gone!
And you stayed mad for 3 weeks because of the same dude lmao
aNd yOu sTaYed mAd fOr 3 wEeKs bEcAuSe oF tHe sAmE dUDe lmAo 🤓🤓
Been away for the last 10 hours what have I missed?
Nothing other than Ross crashing out on IG and obsessing over Drake's nose
I forgot he dissed Gambino
aNd yOu sTaYed mAd fOr 3 wEeKs bEcAuSe oF tHe sAmE dUDe lmAo 🤓🤓
Google search kinda gay
Body shaming niggas who actually go to gym is embarrassing
Everyone who goes to the gym respects them for working on themselves.
Does Drake know what’s at stake? If he gets embarrassed this beef he loses his spot to Kendrick. If he wins or at least matches up well with everyone coming at him he will claim the undisputed top spot in the hip hop pantheon that he’s been rejected out of
If it actually has an album title, cover, and tracklist, then I’m in
Google search kinda gay
how I’m gay who told u I was a man? Goofy ass nigga stfu twat