It would’ve been 🤣
Nah but there was a guy on it deadass I shoulda said something
Nah but there was a guy on it deadass I shoulda said something
Should’ve Lmao, that would’ve been funny
And Futures. Also usef to manage Nas.
It would’ve been 🤣
Wait which PF you go to..eastern or south shore?
My own theory and this is completely based on nothing but
Drake didn't orchestrate the leak of "Push Ups". Anyone that thinks this is braindead, as the first version was horrible quality and alot of the song was changed lyrically. but the song leaking (both versions) is fine because that's not his trump card anyway.
I imagine he would of Sirius XM radio'd it or somethint. But the purpose of the song was to bait a Kendrick response - because he has something even better in the tuck.
On a serious note I actually think Kendrick isn't going to reply. The Push Ups reception has been great and I don't even think he was expecting Drake to respond at all probably just wanted to check him and thought Drake was a p****. He has too much on the line and Drake has nothing to lose. This is like Drake vs Pusha only Kendrick is Drake and Drake is Pusha. I think most people will need Kendrick to reply since he started this tho. If he ducks Drake that's already a big L
On a serious note I actually think Kendrick isn't going to reply. The Push Ups reception has been great and I don't even think he was expecting Drake to respond at all probably just wanted to check him and thought Drake was a p****. He has too much on the line and Drake has nothing to lose. This is like Drake vs Pusha only Kendrick is Drake and Drake is Pusha. I think most people will need Kendrick to reply since he started this tho. If he ducks Drake that's already a big L
Kendrick literally has to reply atp he’d look even worse than Cole and I’m not even trying to be funny. He has to see this through win or lose only way both of them can walk away with respect