  • Someone needs to make a viral post relating to the swifties name drop.

  • i want a blood bath

  • Apr 19
    3 replies

    Listen really close on the last verse on parts where the beat cuts out. It’s actually more subtle than I remember but at the time I was surprised by the slightly digital sound to it compared to how his vocals always sounded before that

    nah i peeped, it's definitely weird.

    i'm pretty sure its a result of audio processing software. DAWs have different ways of time stretching audio. if u just stretch a waveform with no processing, it's gonna get lower in pitch as you slow it down and higher in pitch as you speed it up. if u wanna avoid that, u have to change the method by which the audio is processed. In Pro Tools (what I would assume these guys are using) there's multiple different algorithms u can choose from, and some of those give that weird synthetic texture.

    it's definitely more noticeable when the audio is actually being stretched; most of the time if u keep the audio file at the same duration the change in texture is gonna be really hard to notice. that tells me that on Element, the syllables where u can really hear that weird processing were either not in time or not on pitch originally and had to be messed with in post. You noticing that is a "mistake" on the engineers. I put mistake in quotes bc its not like there's anything they could have done differently, but they definitely didn't want u to pick up on it.

    w Drake, I think it's a different story. I'm pretty sure he just genuinely likes how that texture sounds. If u listen to the OG mix of Search and Rescue it really stands out, to a point where I would be surprised if it was unintentional. like I said, at first I hated on that, but now I kinda appreciate it. It definitely makes the vocals sound unique, and I think it adds an interesting edge to Drake's sound. There's ways to use EQ and compression to make the artifacting more noticeable, but what I think Drake most likely does is just speed everything up a little bit after recording.

  • Apr 19
    1 reply





  • It’s crazy some people are barely finding out about this today .

    I mean I went into my old job today and thought HI Whitney and One Shot where real and hadn’t heard push ups at all

  • Apr 19
    1 reply
  • Apr 19
    1 reply


  • Apr 19
    4 replies

    I've never seen Drake this confident before, idk what he has but it must be crazy

  • Cliche

    Already in order tbh

  • barry dillon

    nah i peeped, it's definitely weird.

    i'm pretty sure its a result of audio processing software. DAWs have different ways of time stretching audio. if u just stretch a waveform with no processing, it's gonna get lower in pitch as you slow it down and higher in pitch as you speed it up. if u wanna avoid that, u have to change the method by which the audio is processed. In Pro Tools (what I would assume these guys are using) there's multiple different algorithms u can choose from, and some of those give that weird synthetic texture.

    it's definitely more noticeable when the audio is actually being stretched; most of the time if u keep the audio file at the same duration the change in texture is gonna be really hard to notice. that tells me that on Element, the syllables where u can really hear that weird processing were either not in time or not on pitch originally and had to be messed with in post. You noticing that is a "mistake" on the engineers. I put mistake in quotes bc its not like there's anything they could have done differently, but they definitely didn't want u to pick up on it.

    w Drake, I think it's a different story. I'm pretty sure he just genuinely likes how that texture sounds. If u listen to the OG mix of Search and Rescue it really stands out, to a point where I would be surprised if it was unintentional. like I said, at first I hated on that, but now I kinda appreciate it. It definitely makes the vocals sound unique, and I think it adds an interesting edge to Drake's sound. There's ways to use EQ and compression to make the artifacting more noticeable, but what I think Drake most likely does is just speed everything up a little bit after recording.

    Search and Rescue and Started from the Bottom both have that “hiss sound” in them. Definitely stylistic choices

  • NOCTA40

    He wasn’t kidding about that 50 cent line huh 😨😨

    niggad got him rapping what he living

  • barry dillon

    nah i peeped, it's definitely weird.

    i'm pretty sure its a result of audio processing software. DAWs have different ways of time stretching audio. if u just stretch a waveform with no processing, it's gonna get lower in pitch as you slow it down and higher in pitch as you speed it up. if u wanna avoid that, u have to change the method by which the audio is processed. In Pro Tools (what I would assume these guys are using) there's multiple different algorithms u can choose from, and some of those give that weird synthetic texture.

    it's definitely more noticeable when the audio is actually being stretched; most of the time if u keep the audio file at the same duration the change in texture is gonna be really hard to notice. that tells me that on Element, the syllables where u can really hear that weird processing were either not in time or not on pitch originally and had to be messed with in post. You noticing that is a "mistake" on the engineers. I put mistake in quotes bc its not like there's anything they could have done differently, but they definitely didn't want u to pick up on it.

    w Drake, I think it's a different story. I'm pretty sure he just genuinely likes how that texture sounds. If u listen to the OG mix of Search and Rescue it really stands out, to a point where I would be surprised if it was unintentional. like I said, at first I hated on that, but now I kinda appreciate it. It definitely makes the vocals sound unique, and I think it adds an interesting edge to Drake's sound. There's ways to use EQ and compression to make the artifacting more noticeable, but what I think Drake most likely does is just speed everything up a little bit after recording.

    oh also ik OG search and rescue mix might be hard to find, if u really want good examples of this, just listen closely to honestly nevermind

    makes sense artistically on that record as well because there's a long tradition of retrofitting sampled vocals into dance tracks by changing speed/pitch, and since DAWs came around, that weird artifacting processed sound has been a staple in dance music.

  • Apr 19
    1 reply

    We thinking it was always called Push Ups

    Or did drake run with it after everyone else named it that

  • magnolias

    Idk, Like That going #1 for consecutive weeks and Push Ups not reaching that at all won’t be a good look

  • Apr 19
    1 reply
    barry dillon

    nah i peeped, it's definitely weird.

    i'm pretty sure its a result of audio processing software. DAWs have different ways of time stretching audio. if u just stretch a waveform with no processing, it's gonna get lower in pitch as you slow it down and higher in pitch as you speed it up. if u wanna avoid that, u have to change the method by which the audio is processed. In Pro Tools (what I would assume these guys are using) there's multiple different algorithms u can choose from, and some of those give that weird synthetic texture.

    it's definitely more noticeable when the audio is actually being stretched; most of the time if u keep the audio file at the same duration the change in texture is gonna be really hard to notice. that tells me that on Element, the syllables where u can really hear that weird processing were either not in time or not on pitch originally and had to be messed with in post. You noticing that is a "mistake" on the engineers. I put mistake in quotes bc its not like there's anything they could have done differently, but they definitely didn't want u to pick up on it.

    w Drake, I think it's a different story. I'm pretty sure he just genuinely likes how that texture sounds. If u listen to the OG mix of Search and Rescue it really stands out, to a point where I would be surprised if it was unintentional. like I said, at first I hated on that, but now I kinda appreciate it. It definitely makes the vocals sound unique, and I think it adds an interesting edge to Drake's sound. There's ways to use EQ and compression to make the artifacting more noticeable, but what I think Drake most likely does is just speed everything up a little bit after recording.

    Great post

    Yeah drake has always had great engineering and use of plug ins and I always thought even the auto tune or melodyne use on Take Care stood out in a really good way, I always loved the texture of his vocals on that album and in that era, I kind of still subconsciously relate when drake does the time stretching stuff back to that. He always had an interesting texture that just seems to sound good

    And the synthetic texture definitely doesn’t work as well on Element. Even on the less obvious parts it’s kind of there and I never liked it

  • ovosound

    I've never seen Drake this confident before, idk what he has but it must be crazy

    Lol he could just be bluffing

  • Prez 💎
    Apr 19


  • Quinn

    It only went number one because it’s about Drake let’s be real

    Not true

  • On all platforms... like the shoes you need. Lets get it bro


  • ovosound

    I've never seen Drake this confident before, idk what he has but it must be crazy

    1 billion dollars

  • Apr 19
    1 reply

    Idk, Like That going #1 for consecutive weeks and Push Ups not reaching that at all won’t be a good look

    y'all got way too obsessed with sales man

  • Draxx556

    Why she so mad 🤣😂😂


    At least she seems self aware that she’s a d*** rider

  • Mando





  • Apr 19
    1 reply

    Great post

    Yeah drake has always had great engineering and use of plug ins and I always thought even the auto tune or melodyne use on Take Care stood out in a really good way, I always loved the texture of his vocals on that album and in that era, I kind of still subconsciously relate when drake does the time stretching stuff back to that. He always had an interesting texture that just seems to sound good

    And the synthetic texture definitely doesn’t work as well on Element. Even on the less obvious parts it’s kind of there and I never liked it

    well yea its definitely not done as an artistic choice on element lol