  • Apr 13, 2024
    1 reply

    J Cole is the one who really lost in all of this

    Nobody was even checking for a response from him too

  • Apr 13, 2024
    Souf Yuil

    Kendrick really dropped a single verse and set the rap game ablaze and in your diss you saying he’s not relevant

    K. Dot, what up? I heard they opened up Pandora's box"
    I box 'em all in, by a landslide
    Nah, homie, we too sensitive, it spill out to the streets
    I make the call and get the Coast involved, then history repeats
    But I resolved inside that private hall while sitting down with Jay
    He said, "It's funny how one verse could f*** up the game"

  • Apr 13, 2024

    worst bar on here

    Calling dude top 3 is embarrassing to everyone involved

    He’s maybe not even top 3 in his own family

  • Apr 13, 2024
    1 reply

    why would these niggas all team up like this when they know Drake raps better?

  • Apr 13, 2024
    1 reply

    People saying this is fake are nuts lol

    It’s never been more real

  • Apr 13, 2024
    2 replies

    Drake is really good lol

  • Apr 13, 2024

    ...Top Dawg a demon assailant

    It’s a shame i had to share this on opening weekend of avengers endgame. But this ** needs to get out fr. I been holding this close to my heart for month and months but lately with the Notre Dame building burning down and a whole lotta other weird ass interactions with strangers just randomly telling me, “he’s coming! watch yourself, he’s coming back!” like on some jordan peele **, I believe the rapture is coming. So it’s imperative I let yall know about **** like this while we still got time left. Shout out my boy Cee on twitter @​cyutsnutty he can vouch for everything brought up itt

    basically what happened was me and 2 of my boys from childhood went to a kendrick show, on the last tour with travis scott. hours after a show we was just **ing around in the parking lot and came across this dude kendrick and some big burly fat bodyguard type dude. we was **ingggggggg geeekinggggf of course like this is a life changing moment to come accross one of the biggest rappers to ever live in a **ing parking lot. and the entire time this dude kendrick was looking real sad. Like he was doing the whole smiling ** and dapping us up but he had that depressed look in his eyes like he was drained from touring or sum. Me being an artist I asked him how he was feeling cause I know how being in the spotlight really drains u and makes u feel less human so I understood what dude was going thru in a way. little did I know I had no clue

    fast forward 30 minutes of conversation I swear on my life kendrick is just spitting game to us and Im almost on the verge of tears taking in the whole moment like wow this fr happening. And then kendrick girl walk up, from what looked like the shadows. She drapes her arm around this dude on some succubus **, and that was already red flag #1. I know how them LA girls act and throw em in the spotlight they can be on some real weirdo nut **, but WHATEVER it aint even about her, this man kendrick entire vibe switched tf up instantly, like he went from just wanting to talk about everything to shut off and staring at the cement. and when he would talk dude was saying weirddd ass ** from that point on. my third homeboy who we will call “p” for safety reasons, asked kendrick some ** I honestly dont remember, but then kendrick cut him off mid sentence and said “keep talking like that u will get throat cancer” , obviously the vibe has changed dramatically and the situation now mad uncomfortable and we just wanna leave. But I just wanna dap up my idol first and wish him well because I want that positive energy to hit me back in the universe, kinda selfish but at that moment I was contemplating this was lowkey the universe way of saying Im gonna do big things. and literally as Im thinking this thought in my head his girl says her first words since she got here, “yall should prolly be leaving now” still arms drape over this dude kendrick on some motherly stuff, but whole time she has this smirk on her face like she wants it to happen. so now my heart pounding and we all give that look to each other like yeeeee its time to dip. I went to dap him up and his girl I swear on my life dug her **ing weird ass metallic nails into my arms and blood starts spilling out thT ** and I had to restrain myself from not smacking the utter ** out this female. whold time she doing this witch ass old lady laugh. I look over, kendrick still looking off into the distance sad as **. I happen to look over where he is looking and what I saw sending shivers down my spine as I type this. It was what looks like a shooting star except it was 2 of em going back and forth fast as **, they was like **ing dancing with each other. one of them was getting taller and shrinking and the other one was getting wider and shrinking. bro listen, the speed we all took off running I have never ran that fast in my life. Entire time, I hear kendrick girl laughing in the distance. When I look back, idk if this was me freaking out or not, but I know what the **** I saw. Kendrick body guard had some glowing red eyes, it sounds wild but I swear on everything this is what I saw when I turned my head back running

    So u may be asking yourself, ok but what does this story have to do with anything. Well, I been researching this ** nonstop trying to explain what tf happened to us that night. The 3 of us played with a ouija board months ago so idk how much of this story can be chalked up to us just encountering a demonic presence and kendrick and them was never actually there. But if you from LA, you KNOW they be doing some weird ass occult **. seem like every group of people over there does some weird ass witchcraft cause they trying to get every possible advantage. BUT HOLD UPPPP cause lemme tell you how shoon I was when I was looking up TDE members and I saw this man


    I hit up some paranormal forums and mediums after this to try help get a better understanding of what happened, and they told me this **** very common, them occult groups typically got a male leader, and a female who usually practices witchcraft and goes around doing nasty s***acts with every initiate and it basically ends with them sacrificing something. Usually the dudes going along with it either been poor they entire lives so they dont give af and will do anything to make a name for themselves. OR they believe the power of God can save them from any decision they make when they like 20

    But no. Once you get into that dark arts **** it is over. They have control over your mind, they influence every decision you make. and the sick part about it is, you will feel normal, like it will feel like it’s you making decisions, but really it’s over. you sold your soul to the devil, and there’s no way to know what ur fate is until you die. these lower entities appear as voices in ur subconscious telling you to do horrible things, give you terrible nightmares, and change the way you think.

    Why do u think kendrick sounded so depressed and lost on his last album? cause he knows he gave his not only his life, but his afterlife away to this evil girl and top dawg.

    The album cover?

    This is not just some art ** for no reason man. Kendrick standing next to a red wall, posessed by demons, and his girl. He’s living in fear because he knows he made a horrible decision, its not really his fault tho, cause witches practice spells often that influence how u think, so love spells can keep kendrick sticking with her since high school. I even think at some point he said they have an open relationship? that ** is like the go to for witches.

    But back to the album, why do u think it’s so many reversed sounds and reverse fading in reverbs and **** about it meant to be played backwards? Exactly, since the beginning of hiphop, memphis music and all that, reversed music has been a portal to other dimensions, similar to using a ouija board or saying bloody mary in the mirror, inherently doing those things when u dont want to is not dangerous, BUT going out of your way to hear reversed messages and speak to entities can leave u succeptable to demons appearing. And the thing about demons coming into ur life is that you will barely even know they are there.

    need I remind yall about that bone thugs cd where u had to hold the back of it in a mirror to read the reversed message?

    I feel bad for any lil kid that involved themselves with that **** and unknowingly brought demonic entities into they lives. DO NOT listen to the collectors edition of DAMN, it is the SAME TACTIC. top dawg is an evil businessman and he and kendrick’s girl perform seances to influence tde artists what music to make

    Ab soul last album was about as satanic as u can get. SZA hit album is titled “Control”. Isaiah last album called “the sun’s tirade” and denounces the sun. Witches worship the moon and abuse mother nature’s blessing and grace for selfish and evil deeds like fame and fortune and ****.

    In the end I’m scared for kendrick yall. I think the transition complete man, I know yall see how he been looking and acting lately. Where DAMN was him on his last legs questioning his faith I feel like his next album will be him fully embracing his dark side and he has gone from a good kid to a full fledge demon entity who will most likely visit rooms of kids at 3am once he passes away. This has happened before with artists who have sold they souls, once they died people everywhere say they have paranormal things occuring when playing the artist’s music. It’s all leftover energy and tbh it’s all part of a dimension that we cannot see or know nothing about yet and should not dabble in

    I hope this thread helps yall see kendrick last album a lil bit differently, and I hope yall start praying every night. i plan on making a documentary or sum on this soon. I love yall, have a good weekend

    this is insane

  • Apr 13, 2024

    I forgot Kendrick had the chain snatching line too

    This getting more fire every listen. I PRAY a video dropping

    What’s the line

  • Mr Papi Nigga Dave

    this nigga is so down bad😂😂

    Kendrick stans coping already. Can't even hide my smile

  • Apr 13, 2024

    Factually “bigger” than Kendrick. That’s all he’s saying

    Not at all lmao, the only other guy who bigger than Kendrick is also beefing with Drake

  • Apr 13, 2024
    1 reply

    Nobody was even checking for a response from him too

    That’s a big lie

  • Apr 13, 2024

    Ok now this s*** is gonna get real interesting

  • Nocta40 🦂
    Apr 13, 2024
    provider 4 u

    why would these niggas all team up like this when they know Drake raps better?

  • WINTER 🌨️
    Apr 13, 2024
    2 replies

    updated new link in op

  • Apr 13, 2024
    3 replies

    My big takeaway was "Travis and 21" ?! he believes this even less than Cole believed TPAP was boring

    Travis was a megastar before he killed all them kids

  • Apr 13, 2024

    Tours over now. DOES DRAKE HAVE TIME?!??!?! IS DRAKE ON DEMON TIME?!?!??!

  • Apr 13, 2024
    1 reply

    you didnt respond to my last post towards u i wonder if u missed it like .. nvm

    keep that same energy once we draft Odunze

  • Apr 13, 2024

    What he doing for niggas????

  • Apr 13, 2024
    4 replies
    Mr Papi Nigga Dave

    this nigga is so down bad😂😂
  • Apr 13, 2024

    That Savage line is too embarrassing for me to look over

    Still a great track but what was he thinking

    u can tell drake is running out of friends if that is who he namedrops

  • Mmm Hmm 😆
    Apr 13, 2024

    What's a prince to a king?

    He's a SON nigga

  • Apr 13, 2024

    this popstar is pretty aight!

  • Apr 13, 2024

    updated new link in op

    Good work lieutenant

  • Apr 13, 2024

    ...Top Dawg a demon assailant

    It’s a shame i had to share this on opening weekend of avengers endgame. But this ** needs to get out fr. I been holding this close to my heart for month and months but lately with the Notre Dame building burning down and a whole lotta other weird ass interactions with strangers just randomly telling me, “he’s coming! watch yourself, he’s coming back!” like on some jordan peele **, I believe the rapture is coming. So it’s imperative I let yall know about **** like this while we still got time left. Shout out my boy Cee on twitter @​cyutsnutty he can vouch for everything brought up itt

    basically what happened was me and 2 of my boys from childhood went to a kendrick show, on the last tour with travis scott. hours after a show we was just **ing around in the parking lot and came across this dude kendrick and some big burly fat bodyguard type dude. we was **ingggggggg geeekinggggf of course like this is a life changing moment to come accross one of the biggest rappers to ever live in a **ing parking lot. and the entire time this dude kendrick was looking real sad. Like he was doing the whole smiling ** and dapping us up but he had that depressed look in his eyes like he was drained from touring or sum. Me being an artist I asked him how he was feeling cause I know how being in the spotlight really drains u and makes u feel less human so I understood what dude was going thru in a way. little did I know I had no clue

    fast forward 30 minutes of conversation I swear on my life kendrick is just spitting game to us and Im almost on the verge of tears taking in the whole moment like wow this fr happening. And then kendrick girl walk up, from what looked like the shadows. She drapes her arm around this dude on some succubus **, and that was already red flag #1. I know how them LA girls act and throw em in the spotlight they can be on some real weirdo nut **, but WHATEVER it aint even about her, this man kendrick entire vibe switched tf up instantly, like he went from just wanting to talk about everything to shut off and staring at the cement. and when he would talk dude was saying weirddd ass ** from that point on. my third homeboy who we will call “p” for safety reasons, asked kendrick some ** I honestly dont remember, but then kendrick cut him off mid sentence and said “keep talking like that u will get throat cancer” , obviously the vibe has changed dramatically and the situation now mad uncomfortable and we just wanna leave. But I just wanna dap up my idol first and wish him well because I want that positive energy to hit me back in the universe, kinda selfish but at that moment I was contemplating this was lowkey the universe way of saying Im gonna do big things. and literally as Im thinking this thought in my head his girl says her first words since she got here, “yall should prolly be leaving now” still arms drape over this dude kendrick on some motherly stuff, but whole time she has this smirk on her face like she wants it to happen. so now my heart pounding and we all give that look to each other like yeeeee its time to dip. I went to dap him up and his girl I swear on my life dug her **ing weird ass metallic nails into my arms and blood starts spilling out thT ** and I had to restrain myself from not smacking the utter ** out this female. whold time she doing this witch ass old lady laugh. I look over, kendrick still looking off into the distance sad as **. I happen to look over where he is looking and what I saw sending shivers down my spine as I type this. It was what looks like a shooting star except it was 2 of em going back and forth fast as **, they was like **ing dancing with each other. one of them was getting taller and shrinking and the other one was getting wider and shrinking. bro listen, the speed we all took off running I have never ran that fast in my life. Entire time, I hear kendrick girl laughing in the distance. When I look back, idk if this was me freaking out or not, but I know what the **** I saw. Kendrick body guard had some glowing red eyes, it sounds wild but I swear on everything this is what I saw when I turned my head back running

    So u may be asking yourself, ok but what does this story have to do with anything. Well, I been researching this ** nonstop trying to explain what tf happened to us that night. The 3 of us played with a ouija board months ago so idk how much of this story can be chalked up to us just encountering a demonic presence and kendrick and them was never actually there. But if you from LA, you KNOW they be doing some weird ass occult **. seem like every group of people over there does some weird ass witchcraft cause they trying to get every possible advantage. BUT HOLD UPPPP cause lemme tell you how shoon I was when I was looking up TDE members and I saw this man


    I hit up some paranormal forums and mediums after this to try help get a better understanding of what happened, and they told me this **** very common, them occult groups typically got a male leader, and a female who usually practices witchcraft and goes around doing nasty s***acts with every initiate and it basically ends with them sacrificing something. Usually the dudes going along with it either been poor they entire lives so they dont give af and will do anything to make a name for themselves. OR they believe the power of God can save them from any decision they make when they like 20

    But no. Once you get into that dark arts **** it is over. They have control over your mind, they influence every decision you make. and the sick part about it is, you will feel normal, like it will feel like it’s you making decisions, but really it’s over. you sold your soul to the devil, and there’s no way to know what ur fate is until you die. these lower entities appear as voices in ur subconscious telling you to do horrible things, give you terrible nightmares, and change the way you think.

    Why do u think kendrick sounded so depressed and lost on his last album? cause he knows he gave his not only his life, but his afterlife away to this evil girl and top dawg.

    The album cover?

    This is not just some art ** for no reason man. Kendrick standing next to a red wall, posessed by demons, and his girl. He’s living in fear because he knows he made a horrible decision, its not really his fault tho, cause witches practice spells often that influence how u think, so love spells can keep kendrick sticking with her since high school. I even think at some point he said they have an open relationship? that ** is like the go to for witches.

    But back to the album, why do u think it’s so many reversed sounds and reverse fading in reverbs and **** about it meant to be played backwards? Exactly, since the beginning of hiphop, memphis music and all that, reversed music has been a portal to other dimensions, similar to using a ouija board or saying bloody mary in the mirror, inherently doing those things when u dont want to is not dangerous, BUT going out of your way to hear reversed messages and speak to entities can leave u succeptable to demons appearing. And the thing about demons coming into ur life is that you will barely even know they are there.

    need I remind yall about that bone thugs cd where u had to hold the back of it in a mirror to read the reversed message?

    I feel bad for any lil kid that involved themselves with that **** and unknowingly brought demonic entities into they lives. DO NOT listen to the collectors edition of DAMN, it is the SAME TACTIC. top dawg is an evil businessman and he and kendrick’s girl perform seances to influence tde artists what music to make

    Ab soul last album was about as satanic as u can get. SZA hit album is titled “Control”. Isaiah last album called “the sun’s tirade” and denounces the sun. Witches worship the moon and abuse mother nature’s blessing and grace for selfish and evil deeds like fame and fortune and ****.

    In the end I’m scared for kendrick yall. I think the transition complete man, I know yall see how he been looking and acting lately. Where DAMN was him on his last legs questioning his faith I feel like his next album will be him fully embracing his dark side and he has gone from a good kid to a full fledge demon entity who will most likely visit rooms of kids at 3am once he passes away. This has happened before with artists who have sold they souls, once they died people everywhere say they have paranormal things occuring when playing the artist’s music. It’s all leftover energy and tbh it’s all part of a dimension that we cannot see or know nothing about yet and should not dabble in

    I hope this thread helps yall see kendrick last album a lil bit differently, and I hope yall start praying every night. i plan on making a documentary or sum on this soon. I love yall, have a good weekend