Am I tripping or wasn’t there a huge fallout between them after EDS broke up ?
if i remember right
They were still cool, and Joe wanted to leave with Ak from that podcast and do their own together without complex
this is not world war 3. nigga Ross shot a PEBBLE
respect for how quickly he got it done of course
Ross track has 0 energy, filler bars, get this s*** outta here man
The opposition better be coordinating their responses so they’re not all just saying the same s***
French Montana already talked about this and Ross definitely adding sauce on it 😂
if i remember right
They were still cool, and Joe wanted to leave with Ak from that podcast and do their own together without complex
good to know. I thought it was bad blood there
Really not a fan of this reverse racism from Ross.. Drakes been hearing that s*** his whole life, why is it ok to make fun of someone's skin color??? This is ok??
This is one of the leaks weeknd was talking about
making drake stans look bad
That "extended version" just has part of the 1st leaked tacked onto the end of the 2nd leak
Ross verse weak I’m sorry. This like the Meek diss.
The most interesting stuff is being talked about at the end, but isn’t being rapped about.
MMG some losers if we are being honest